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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev


    Yep, bad. An article to scare you... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inver ... ptasia.htm
  2. Zev


    Do they look like this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inver ... ipfaqs.htm Or something on this page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/zoanthid.htm
  3. Not our paper, whoever proofreads it should be shot!
  4. Zev

    New fish...

    Nice I wouldn't mind one of those, but my Royal Snottyback would chase it around.
  5. If your tank is bare bottomed, just syphon out the poop with an airline hose (6mm from memory), and top up with fresh water. My tank is planted, so you don't see the poop! And I keep my snail population low by taking the ones I see out every now and then.
  6. ummmm... I er, don't change my WCMM tank water.. just top it off. I have a sponge filter, which keeps my water clean. Like these ones: http://www.marinedepot.com/aquarium_fil ... sp?CartId= Leave the fry with the parents in the tank. Can you get some floating plants? Riccia will handle cooler water temps. Someone else may have some other types.
  7. Don't overfeed them either, pollutes the water. Do you have snails in your tank? I find my WCMMs don't like to feed off the bottom, so the snails clean up what is left over. I feed mine crushed flake, which sticks to the Riccia on the surface of the water, some does sink though. The quickest way to make the flake small is to put some in a fishfood container with a stone about the size of a marble and shake it until it is crumbs.
  8. That fitting frome DSE is a Tungsten Halogen fitting, it is not the full spectrum and will not give you the correct light. You cannot retrofit another lamp into this as it has no ballast (control gear to start and power the lamp, which needs to be specific for the type of lamp used). By the time you buy a ballast and the correct lamp, you will probably have spent more than a complete unit to start with. This would be more suitable: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 900405.htm
  9. lol Caryl. Has Dogmatix put up a pic of his tank yet, as per thread topic?
  10. Thought it looked similar, mine is 650 x 350 x 450mm, but unfortunately 50 litres plus less than yours, as it looks like you have a sump as well. My Sarcophytons are sulking at the moment, so won't post a pic yet!
  11. Hey Not A Soldier, what are the dimensions of your tank?
  12. Did you get to see any fish shops over there?
  13. You got a better pic of it than I did! Dang thing cruises around rather fast. It's a Cheilinus undulatus - Humphead Maori Wrasse Gets its name from the markings around its face. The ceramic acros sitting upside down in the tank ith the square unpainted bases sticking up was a dead giveaway!
  14. Some interesting info here: http://www.melevsreef.com/tanks.html
  15. You will find it hard to aquascape a tank this narrow, mine is 650 x 350 x 450mm deep, and I find it difficult to get some arrangement with the rock that I am happy with, especially with a Bubble Tip Anemone that seems determined to take over half of the tank for itself! And I hope you have long arms, because your tank is awfully deep.
  16. Zev

    what is a nano?

    So when does a Nano become a Pico?
  17. Ok, your kit is different to mine, then. I test 5ml of water.
  18. Did you dose 1ml from the syringe in first, then fill the syringe up again and drip it in? Presuming this test is the same as the one in the Strontium kit..
  19. Zev

    Sumps Usefulness

    I'm pretty sure Warren runs a sump on his Freshwater tank.
  20. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... d=81513073 Bought this in for someone else when I got mine, but they don't have a marine tank anymore. Free postage for any FNZAS member.
  21. Main Oceanarium Upside Down Jellyfish Brown Sea Nettles Brineshrimp hatchery in Jellyfish area Sticker on middle container says 'Sea Monkeys 48hrs' They were water cooler bottles.
  22. The little tank with the algae has the purple starfish, shrimp and Cowfish in it. It's only about 900 x 300 x 300mm in size. If you want to go around the complex more than once, don't go on the 'Ride the Dive' until last, as the exit for this is the gift shop and I don't think you can get back in from there. Also if you buy something from the gift shop, the back of your entry ticket should have a 10% discount voucher on it - we didn't notice this until after we left! See how you go at photographing the lion fish and the big Wrasse, I didn't have much luck with either!
  23. Coral Atoll Pics - sorry hard to get decent photos because of the curvature of the front of the tank, it went from floor to ceiling in a complete circle, and the fish swam around rather fast. It was split into two separate habitats with Lionfish and smaller fish on one side, and larger fish on the other. Humphead Wrasse, about two foot long - fast swimmer. Moray Eel with it's head in a collection of fake Acros Ray Ceramic Acros!
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