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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Wednesday 15th August at 7:30pm The National Aquarium of New Zealand Marine Parade NAPIER This month we have a guest speaker form Mahurangi Technical Institute, one of the topics he will speak about is the Aquatics course they are offering to FNZAS members. We will also be having a Dessert Evening, so bring along something to share with tea or coffee, plates and spoons provided.
  2. To add pictures you need to have a web based photo sharing account, such as Photobucket.com Or you can email them to me, and I can load them for you if you like.
  3. I might wait a bit until I have a more sizable bunch of trimmings to send to you, Amazonian, these three bits were all I chopped off this morning, but the Bacopa is growing well now that I have my light/Co2/ferts balanced (this was no mean feat, and has taken me about four months to acheive)!
  4. Initally I just pasted you Picasa address that you posted, then both of them worked, but the next time I looked, neither of them were going. Um.. so I copied your pic and loaded it into my Photobucket account and that is the pic you can see in my post.... That one seems to work all the time, but the Picasa one only works when I click your Picasa link, look at the picture, then flick back to this forum?? Could be a permissions thing??
  5. So I should send this stuff I've hauled out of the bucket of trimmings to Amazonian?
  6. Oh, that's more difficult, then - speaking from experience! Hmm.... that reminds me, I had better start chasing some of our club members with a big stick for articles!!
  7. Does this grovelling include packages of Chocolate?
  8. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt18 ... sc&start=0
  9. Looking good! It's quite interesting that quite a few people start a planted tank and put Val in it, then after a while they take it out because it grows rampantly and blocks the light - been there, done that!
  10. Sounds like you are going to be busy, Alan!
  11. I think the SCWD will cut a lot of your flow down. I have a 23 gallon tank with a Tunze Nano Stream that gives me 2500l/hr, and no, everything is not leaning over one way!
  12. Looks good, are you going to put a comb on the overflow box to stop the critters getting in there?
  13. Zev

    Red Nymphaea

    Very nice, Faran.
  14. More like four weeks if you can't seed the filter.
  15. Do you do this in Excel? Why don't you send us a template, and we will fill it in?
  16. so that no one can dredge for email addresses and spam it.
  17. Come to the HBAS meeting on Wedneday night (7:30pm The National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade, Napier) see if you can pick up a new tank - it's auction night. Transfer your fish to a new tank (after you have tested it outside to see if it does not leak!!), re silicone the other one, after it has cured, pop your fish back in - just ask any of the members how to do this, they will point you in the right direction..
  18. Sounds good to me. Adding chemicals can really stuff up the cycling of a tank, sometimes it is best to let it sort itself out naturally. Someone else may have some other ideas on the matter?
  19. Has the filter been running all the time, while the tank was partially empty? If so, you could try gradually filling it up over a few days. (This also gives you a chance to check that it is not going to leak any more without flooding the house!) Is the ammonia high? Otherwise I wouldn't bother with the ammolock.
  20. Hi eastcoaster What sort of filtration are you running? If it is a well established filter it should be able to handle the new water. And welcome to the forums.
  21. And the Postcode is?? Just being facetious, Caryl!
  22. Yep, I'd go for Loopys deal as well..
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