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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Alanmin would be closer!
  2. http://www.3news.co.nz/News/NationalNew ... fault.aspx
  3. Yes, you adjust it by moving the intake across the top of the motor, and don't have the water level too low in the tank.
  4. I find the AquaOne HOB's get gunked up around the holes where the impeller is, and have to be cleaned out weekly because the flow decreases markedly. You also cannot put noodles in it unless you try and jam them behind the back of the 'biological filter' plate - which is just a piece of plastic with a few wavy lines and holes in it, nowhere as good as some ceramic noodles. I have retired my AquaOne from filtration duties it got so annoyed with it, and now it is used as a phosphate remover with a bag of Purigen in my Marine tank. I won't tell you how often I clean out the AquaClear, but it is not weekly!
  5. Either that or they can hide very well! Congrats on the eggs.
  6. Some people have all the fun! I like the Coast down to Ross. I don't see a large fishpond in your back yard yet, Vinson? You will have to build one that rivals Caryl's!
  7. I would vouch for the AquaClear by Hagen. You can stuff more noodles in the back than what you are given, and don't have to buy the annoying slide in replacement plastic bits.
  8. Hi Psi Welcome to the forums! Could you please add you location to your profile via the User Control Panel - thanks. Good to see some more Killiphiles coming out of the woodwork.
  9. Parambassis ranga (Hamilton, 1822) Synonyms - Chanda ranga, Ambassis ranga, Pseudambassis ranga Common names - Chanda ranga, Glass perchlet, Indian Glass Perch from fishbase.org
  10. Starters look like this - there are glow or electronic types, they are the same basic shape. They are about 30mm long retrieved from http://www.servicelighting.com Capacitors look like this - they can come in a silver canister, and are about 70mm long. retrieved from http://img.tradekey.com
  11. Transformer and Ballast are different names for the same thing as far as fluorescent fittings are concerned, newer T5 fittings have an electronic ballasts, older ones have magnetic ballasts that are constructed like a transformer and made up of laminated metal plates. http://www.flelectrical.com.au/maxilight_savers.html Check that it is not loose in the fitting - turn it off first before you stick your paws in there! They look like this, if it is a magnetic ballast: retrieved from http://www.global-b2b-network.com
  12. That may be the case, but if they shoot the gap, who is going to fork out the money to find them and enforce the contract, meanwhile someone is going to have to make up the shortfall in the rent in the interim, as the landlord said, she doesn't care who pays what, as long as it gets paid in full.
  13. Decking timber is normally 40mm wide - my maths sucks, so you will have to work it out yourself!
  14. lol, can just visualise LA now - stick hand in tank - rotate fish to side on view - point index finger at fish and say 'stay' - dry hand and pick up camera to take picture. :lol:
  15. I am sure Ira can take it as good as he dishes it out Money wise I think this is something that you should sort out now, as you say, they are under no obligation to pay the $25, and as soon as they are out the door, I think that you can kiss the good intent and money goodbye. Who in their right mind would pay $25 per week for nothing? The new flatmates should be paying the same as the old ones, if not more, but never less! Just remember, you have to fork out to fix the washing machine and find a fridge as well.
  16. Psssst, Aquilam, do you think we have upset Ira?
  17. Just as well the diaper/ammo belt thing isn't!
  18. They do well if you feed them live foods - they will pig out on a white worm that is just as long as they are, and swim around with it in their mouth for ages trying to swallow it, if some other fish does not nick if off them first!
  19. That would be these guys - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=CTT
  20. There is another, Parambassis lala, but it is hard to tell the difference. Some look more longer in the body, especially the dyed ones - yetch... Image retrieved from http://www.fishlinkworldwide.com
  21. They are probably Parambassis ranga Indian Glassfish Will post a pic when I find it in my photobucket album
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