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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Maybe he talks a lot better than you give him credit for, Phoenix? I wonder what tales he could tell?
  2. Congrats! There go the peaceful nights! and who won the sweepstakes?
  3. Possibly they will be triploid, ie the eggs are heat treated before hatching and therefore sterile.
  4. Sounds like they could be tasty eating!
  5. And some, such as lineatus, have deceptively large mouths!
  6. Reminds me of when Billy Connoly was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Letters degree from the University of Glasgow, allegedly his wife, Pamela Stephenson would not talk to him for weeks because she had done her Doctorate of Clinical Psychology the hard way!
  7. Someone sent this image to me via email, I have no idea where it originated from...
  8. I thought woks was wot wabbits throw?
  9. Maybe we should demand a sample first, to see if it is worth sharpening the stick for?
  10. Oooohhhhh.... decisions, decisions....
  11. I wish to lodge a complaint about the above post..... It's making me awfully hungry and is cruel to those of us who have to have sandwiches for lunch!
  12. You lie! There are tanks in your shed, they just don't have any fish or water in them!
  13. And that you can actually see the fish as well!
  14. Zev

    howdy peeps

    Hi Carlos and welcome Posting pic info here - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2406
  15. I agree, I have rubbed them between my fingers and they left an oily residue - plus the cat won't eat them, not a good sign
  16. To report information on GM danios, please call 0800 80 99 66. Should you require further information, please email: Lesley Patston, MAFBNZ Communications Adviser on [email protected] Or Abi Loughnan, MAF BNZ Marine Adviser on [email protected] Retreived from - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=PestTaskForce
  17. You are talking about nearly 3watts per litre, I would be more concerned with it boiling the water in the tank, let alone the plants! What sort of fitting is it? Tank dimensions?
  18. You'd fit, but we would have to fold you in half so that no appendages stick out of the train and get lopped off when you go through the tunnels!
  19. Yup, the Driving Creek Railway very interesting, but the seats were pretty darn uncomfy! Welcome to the team, Spink!
  20. I suspect that it may be the other way around, Phoenix... Have you wrung your bib out from drooling at the petshop in Rotorua, Loopy?
  21. Mmmmm.... black silicone....
  22. Sorry, couldn't stop laughing when I received it, so did not give it the attention I should have. As for the photo, that is up to you guys to decide!
  23. Topic has been locked, please post replies here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=39056
  24. It did, everyone here was wondering what I was laughing about! I can forward the email you sent with the assignment to your lecturer is you require evidence that you actually sent it on the right day, even if it was to the wrong person!
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