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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Maybe yous are just better parents than mine :-?
  2. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    only two guppy fry - I think the adults eat them before I get to see them and scoop them out into another tank, one blonde one grey.
  3. Yeah - or she might take them for a wee spin in a ute...
  4. I have seen plastic ivy used for corys to lay on
  5. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Ask the LFS if they will do the tests for you, most have the big kits to do it - you may have to pay but it would probably be cheaper than buying one kit alone.
  6. Wasn't it hubby who liked the featherfin? Perhaps he needs his own tank
  7. What was the ph? Big ph wings can cause the fish to gasp as the surface. If it was at the top of the ph scale on your test card it could be way over. Do you have a high range ph test kit that you could test with to check this?
  8. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    It is as I suspected - damned heat hogs!
  9. You know what is going to happen here, don't you? The CPD's will appear not to be breeding, so you put the WCMMs in the empty tank and then all of a sudden you have two lots of fry...
  10. Zev

    Hi from CHCH

    Hi and you are welcome for the help registering
  11. Cool! Just don't lock your keys in the van when you get down there!
  12. Peppereds are one of the easiest cory to breed, it is said that doing a good sized cold water change will stimulate them to breed as in the wild it indicates heavy rainfall that makes the levels of the rivers rise and will give an abundance of food for the fry. Others find their corys spawn when the air pressure drops before an approaching front. Some just breed like flies with no apparent intervention needed! Once they have laid eggs I would keep the water temp in the fry tank constant.
  13. Do you get to follow Rod around when he takes the pics?
  14. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Having a bigger garage does not mean that anymore cars are going to reside in said garage, does it? Also, a question for cat owners - when a cat sits in front of a fireplace does it become the feline equivalent of a black hole that absorbs all the heat that is generated by the fire? Because my feet are still cold!
  15. I have unstickied this topic as requested. Please post your pics in the Current Individuals Pleco Collections sticky at the top of the page.
  16. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    I think this smiley is more appropriate for you Sam
  17. I hate it when fish are so inconsiderate like that - my rams always used to lay their eggs where there was no chance of getting a good shot of them :-? Good luck with the spawn, any idea on how to stop them getting eaten when they hatch?
  18. I am sure if you do not ventilate that van of yours properly that some algae will grow around the window sills somewhere - I have seen it before in a Hiace van...
  19. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Don't know, I will ask next time I see the member in question.
  20. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    We have had instances in our club where if the imports are mixed with the local guppies that approximately 50% of the fish in the tank died, the fish would clamp and would not survive when treated with salt or Furan. Interestingly the following deaths were recorded that seem contrary to yours, but nonetheless NZ female guppies survived NZ male guppies all died Imported female guppies all died Imported male guppies survived Other fish such as loaches and harlequin rasbora were not affected.
  21. You can get E leopard, E Ozelot and A minima here. I think you can get C parva here, but most come in as 'assorted crypts' to the shops, so it is a matter of keeping an eye out for the ones you want. Pogostemon helferi I have not seen in this country.
  22. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Bugger - do you have non import guppies in the same tank, there is something wierd with the imports when mixed with the local ones.
  23. Hmmm... this is all I can find, the others have weird lighting that make the colour a bit wrong - the stuff I have has quite a few shells and other coloured stones in there as well.
  24. Hmmm... wonder where I put those GroLux tubes, might do the trick
  25. Hmmm... looks like common old graywake to me, that is what most of the beaches around here are. I will see if I have a pic of one of my tanks because that is what I usually use, it does look a bit darker when it is wet.
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