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Keri Anne

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Everything posted by Keri Anne

  1. LOL Zev is a female and she has marine. And may I ask what is wrong with black tshirts?? Maybe it's just because I grew up in chch but I thought it was mandatory for at least 1/2 of your tshirts to be black. :-?
  2. Okay... make that 4 cents.... lots of good pics here: http://members.cox.net/newcomb1/armando.html
  3. Just to put my 2 cents in.... This page is really informative. :lol: http://members.cox.net/newcomb1/endlers.html
  4. Would be keen but work weekends and have to apply for leave at least 1 mth in advance.
  5. Drop whatever temp they are at by a couple of degrees and see what happens.
  6. Can Mollies and Swordtails be kept in the same tank or is there a risk of cross breeding?
  7. Found them hiding behind the sponge filter and have moved then in with some guppy fry for their own safety. I'm sure most got eaten, how many babies to Mollies usually drop?
  8. Glad it's not just my "Sunset" WCMM that devour most of their young. lol
  9. Wow!! Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have such a wonderful LFS!! I've always believed you get better advice from the smaller pet shops.
  10. Maybe it's a livebearer thing? I've found female guppies and platies can handle cooler temps than male's too.
  11. Good Luck with them Anna & Chris.
  12. Just passing on good advice I was given by those wiser and more experienced than myself. Apparently this lesson was hard learned some years back. I don't know the story in full but I believe 1 imported King Cobra Guppy took out a tank of over 250 guppies. :-?
  13. if you have lots of floating plant at the top you'll have a better survival rate.
  14. Most pet shops should be able to order them in for you depending on their suppliers. Just be careful as imported guppies can carry diseases that NZ fish have no immunity to. Would hate for somebody to lose an entire tank of NZ guppies due to adding 1 import. If mixing imported guppies with NZ guppies I would suggest setting up a separate tank for the imports. Once they are settled add one or 2 NZ guppies as a test and give it a couple of weeks. That's my 2 cents anyway.
  15. That's too young to sex for platies.
  16. How old are they, takes a while for the males to develop their gonopodiums (basically they have to hit puberty before the bottom fin changes.)
  17. None of mine are orange, they're kind of silver, most males have green in the sword. Some interesting tail shapes too. If you're ever up Napier way PM me to check them out.
  18. Keri Anne

    Howdy folks

    Welcome Vippy. Cool pic, lovely planted tank
  19. Wouldn't be without it for my livebearers... wouldn't touch it for my BN.. depends what you keep.
  20. I used tonic salt when I first started keeping guppies at the rate of 1tbsp per 20L, stopped using it for a while as I didn't really think it was doing much and started getting a simular problem. Started using tonic salt again and it stopped. Not sure if it was parasites or just that they like having some salt in their water (around 2ppm). Either way my livebearers (guppies, platies, mollies, swordtails) all seem happier with a little tonic salt in their water.
  21. That female guppy WILL drop her fry the DAY that you are going away for 2 weeks.
  22. A few from me... 1) Even though that earthquake was only a tremor you should still check that the air hose connected to the pump on your display tank has not fallen so that it is hanging down the back of the tank (siphon) 2) When going away (even only for a few days) HIDE ALL FISHFOOD FROM FLATMATE even if you have put post-it notes on every tank saying “Please don’t feed me, I already have a feeding block†3) If you need to walk away from a bucket/container that you have put fish into cover the top if it with a towel, large book etc. Swordtails CAN jump out of a bucket in only 4cm of water… they WILL end up under the couch… your partner WILL nearly step on them when you scream and they come running.
  23. The only hard fish to catch is the one you are after... all other fish will calmly swim into the net. :lol:
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