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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Here's some pics HandS: me A. agassizii A. bitaeniata A. sp. pebas
  2. wow, those are awesome pics ktttk! Given we're in a sharing mood...
  3. antwan


    Steve101, if I was gonna get angels again, those would be the ones I'd get. They have a much nicer shape and look to them than the domestic ones...plus they're wild!
  4. Bristlenoses do sweet with the high pH, just drop a few in there and should be all good.
  5. Bristlenoses tend to randomly just stop breeding for some reason. I think Caryl said that she has some breeding, then stopped for a year or two then just started up again. When mine stopped breeding i wondered why too, so i was doing lots of water changes, feeding lots of veges, but nothing...ended up selling them. How long since they last bred?
  6. Thanks everyone..fry are doing wel Sharn kindly sold me one of her wild male agassizii's today which is cool, have another male for my female now (other one passed during a bacterial bloom unfortunately) and they look happy with eachother.
  7. An update, i finally have free swimming fry! I was just about to give up hope with them and put them in the com tank when I saw mum with these little beauts. Only about 7-10 there... but yay. proud mother and fry dad I know he's a bit blurry but he's coloured up amazingly these last few months.
  8. The roots look too frail for an anubias sp. my guess is that it is a sword, I just have no idea what it is.
  9. If you ask me, I'd say don't do it. Sorry to be a downer, but all these people make good points. Here's my little story: I bought 3 small (3-4cm) discus ages ago when I knew nothing about them (chucked them in planted tank, expecting them to grow) doing prob 1 week 20-30% water changes, so not the best. Anyway, they didn't grow and just ended up dying after a few months, so i bought some knew ones (as you do), chucked them in the planted and what do you know, I didn't see any change in size whatsoever. Now I have recently bought 5 small discus, 1 large, and two small ones from my planted (kinda stunted). So I've chucked them into a 135L bare bottom with a potted plant (to look nice, and soaks up extra ammonia) and have done 50% water changes every day..what do you know, i get amazing growth, discus colouring up amazingly, nice red eyes..they run to the front of the tank as soon as I come in the door for food! If you give them bare bottom (in my opinion) they will love you more.
  10. Will post updates in a week or two when im happy, just waiting on a couple of stem plants to reach a good height. Thanks.
  11. white cloud mountain minnows
  12. I have found when photographing my fish that if I use the flash it washes out the colour, and makes it look very dull (both plants and fish). Everyone else has covered the rest
  13. Like most baby fish, it is best to keep them in a rather small tank. This gives them less room to find food, so they can concentrate their energy onto growing. As they continue to grow, they can be transferred to larger and larger tanks (if you have the room that is). With constant feeding and very regular water changes these guys should be growing before your eyes. Good luck to you.
  14. I think it's a funny angle, looks to me like it's kinda coming out the side. If the problem persists after the week of treatment, and all looks like euthenasia (dont know if this works) could perhaps give it a little squeeze?
  15. It all really depends what type of plants and how many you want to keep.
  16. antwan

    My b/n Problem

    I had the same thing happen to me as Caryl. Mine would breed every three weeks. They did this for a good 6-7months then stopped, nothing i could do to get them starting again.
  17. what is your pH? I've had quite a few spawns from my bitaeniata and have had no free swimmers that i know of unfortunately. Some of the breeders in Australia get their pH's down to 4-5 for their apistos. Have you tried adding some peat to your tank? I can only guess that your apistos are viejita then.. but dont take my word for it.
  18. If you're going for an amazon theme, i presume you'll go planted? I would recommend sand, I went with gravel and I wish I had have gone with sand. Im quite sure it's better for plant growth too (good for the roots).
  19. I think what you've got there are A. hongsloi, do they have a black line on their stomachs? If so, then they're A. hongsloi. She looks nice and yellow, good luck with them.
  20. antwan


    Alan, Living Waters has 3-4 Altum Angels, look just like the ones in the link you posted. Frans said that there were very few in the country and he was lucky to have them, the ones imported do look like the altum though, just in my opinion.
  21. antwan


    umm, just a heads up, your tank is 360L, not 200L. 90X80X50=360000/1000=360L
  22. I guess it really depends on how you disperse the clean water. A spraybar could be used pointing downward to loosen up any debris off the ground. Or, as the salties have, tonnes of flow with the use of powerheads which keeps the water circulating constantly. I think setting up a sump would be a nice little project.
  23. I would suggest you get a microworm culture, they are handy. Ram fry are very small compared to a lot of other cichlids and usually dont go for bbs straight away, mine didnt. Also, they are good to have when (if you dont have two) you are starting up a new batch of bbs and dont have access to live ones for 24 hours. Good luck with the rams, they are great fish.
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