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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Hi there, you may have some problems with the undergravel filter and your plants. Plants dont like their roots to be disturbed very much, and the constant flow of water pass them could make them grow to their full ability.
  2. well, you can do trios until you have a pair. Once that happens you will need to separate them from the left out one. I have bred both of these, and will confirm that they are not harem breeders, so ryanjury, you were right
  3. yup, that would be a female alright.
  4. seems like a lot of dwarf cichlids for a 2 foot. Kribs i find need a lot of room for breeding as they themselves can get big and they are very defensive when breeding (like most dwarves). For the sexing of rams, the female should have a nice red belly, thats the easiest way to tell them apart. You say there is one definate female and about 5 males, is the female much larger than the rest or the same size, if shes bigger she could just be more mature. If they are all the same size, and they arent too small, the males should have an arrow-like shaped tail fin. good luck to you, sounds like you have some cool fish.
  5. antwan

    BN eggs?

    ok well it sounds like they have fungused to me, especially if the male isnt covering them. Usually the male will stay on them, not even coming off them for food sometimes. Sorry mate, sounds like you've got a slack male nah, it may take them a couple of times to get used to it.
  6. antwan


    hey steve, sharn means she can get it for free off the kaimais because it grows there naturally. Im goin with her this weekend you see, and i have some in my tank, grows really well. GREAT PLANT!
  7. thought i would just update this. The little metal weights around the stalk didn't quite seem to work very well and i didnt have a weight like Blues, so, i stuck it in between the thermometer and the glass which seems to be working well. Anyways, got home from school today to see a nice little white flower coming off one of the buds, and some little teeny weeny green leaves. Anyways, here it is:
  8. no problemo, was nice meeting you all and putting faces to names.
  9. when i got my lids redone on my tank the guy just drilled a hole straight through the middle of it, so i just have to stick my finger through it and pull it off, good place to drop flake through as well
  10. sweet, well if you dont get your osiris to come up, would you be keen on trading some more crypts for a plant or two? perhaps some more java fern too, only if you're keen though. Since we're on the topic of swords, i have about 4 Echinodorus amizonicus that i can sell or trade to someone who is keen.
  11. HAHA blue, well i have just tied some of those metal plant weights onto the end, just enough so it sits at about half way up the tank and is aiming along. It has the direct light of the PL tubes too, so i imagine it will do well. Oh, i didnt realise Osiris was red melon, good that yours is growing well Blue.
  12. Wow, thanks diverjohn and blue. I would be keen on some Osiris, havent had one of those before. Blue, i swear it's grown a little bit just since i have woke up too, seems to be rocketing. I will certainly start weighing it down now. Cheers guys.
  13. SHOT BLUE, Dont worry, we all have our blonde moments. Anyways, here is some progress pics of the "flowering" stalk. No sign of any runners yet, but I've heard sword runners can get quite long. Here http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c112/ ... 160024.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c112/ ... 160025.jpg Pics Removed as Oversize (1280 + ) See Guidelines Mod Bill.
  14. thanks for that Alan, i just had a look at the Tropica site, haven't been there before and it's really good!
  15. yea man, race is on blue. With that flourish though your stalk will be motoring. oh thankyou so much jude, can't wait.
  16. It does, but only slightly, not especially noticeable. I would really like some more red plants in my tank...i feel a trade coming on
  17. hey blue, i cant seem to find a rose sword from a google search at all, by any chance do you have a pic of yours?
  18. good work blue on finding that pic, that leopard sword is awesome, will definately be keen to do a swap Jude. Anybody else around with an oddball or rare sword that would be keen for a swapsy (look at me getting all ahead of myself before i havnt even got one new plantlet).
  19. that's really cool blue. How long have you had that runner underwater for? hope mine does the same .
  20. Yea, ive been told these are quite uncommon, but i managed to score three of these when they were little for only $5 . My second is just starting to get bigish, as i have removed all other plants near it. Yea, blue id be keen for some more crypts, always keen . Sounds like this runner might get quite big. If anybody else is looking for some, hopefully i will have lots, would be keen to trade for some other plants, less common ones especially. Thanks for that Alan, i prolly would have cut the runner just after it stopped the first time. Although i would like to see it flower, i think it's best that i keep all of it submerged.
  21. nah, mine is completely green, even with the new leaves. Anybody interested in some of these babies when they get to a decent size?
  22. haha, yea sorry bout the pics, the camera cant focus very well down the back. That's the best i could get, i will post more as the stalk grows because it will be easier to focus in on. Thanks for your help.
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