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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Just see how they go first. Most cichlids take a few tries at spawning until they are able to raise fry. Practice makes perfect. If, however you want to give them a proper go at spawning, wait til the fry are free swimming, then remove them and the parents into their own tank with 100% water from the main tank. I've found with rams that both parents look after the fry really well taking 'shifts' watching them.
  2. i would have to say it would be the platties that have dropped. If you are noticing fry, im sure you would have noticed the eggs and the parents guarding them if it was the blue rams. Also, if it was the rams the parents would be looking after them, they're good parents.
  3. They have a large maroon on display, not sure if it's the same type as you're after though, are you aware that they have moved? if not, theyre under Furniture Court in the McDonalds car park
  4. Hey trinity, Tauranga's marine selection is quite poor. Living Waters has the best selection, and Animal Antics over at the Mount has a few damsels and i think one or two other types.
  5. antwan

    two line cory

    if these were at living waters sharn, they got them in as C. schwartzi
  6. from what ive heard, you need a huge group of adults, and they only spawn annually.
  7. as alan says, i think luncheon is a great food for them. I used bread for a long time and got average results, the other day i could only find a couple of worms, however when i added some luncheon, within a few days i have tonnes covering the stuff, they even like it more when it goes mouldy.
  8. marines are in as of this weekend, not many but they're getting there...just a few damsels, hawkfish, clowns mainly.
  9. stick ur finger over the end of the siphon that goes into the bucket, slows down the flow so the fry can swim away from it.
  10. yea it's pretty easy to take the shells off the pee's, it's just a bit of a pain, cos it takes a while.
  11. antwan

    What to do?

    how many times have they spawned, as they say - practice makes perfect...however, you could always put them in a small tank, then take out the parents...much easier
  12. in my opinion im going to have to say tenellus over microsword.
  13. i believe you're able to if permission is granted from the source
  14. i just used a product recently called algaefix, worked a treat
  15. when do you think you will have those norberti available? very keen
  16. i thought id post a better pic of the male bitaeniata, so here's a few: the bottom pic is the best to see his fin colours
  17. from what i have heard, all tetras require blackened out tanks with the exception of lemon tetras.
  18. i believe he would be the blue variant, as he has blue bits down his side. I'll try to get better pics, but like you said, it is hard :lol: . Would be keen on some norberti.
  19. nah, sorry unfortunately i dont know of anyone other than a couple of people that got the wilds from Phil, and they didnt get any of those... Wow, i would fully be keen on some pairs if you have some spare. Nice to see someone setting up an apisto breeding program, will be great to get them through the country.
  20. yea, it does have a black seam. THANKS. unfortunately i dont have a male for her... Do you have pics of your ones caserole? i would be very interested in seeing them.
  21. i have got three unknown females in my com tank that i was told were juruensis, this is a pic of the nicest one, ill try get some more too
  22. thanks caserole, what types did you get off phil, i heard you bought quite a few
  23. tank looks really good well done, i think the anubias you have there is barteri, cos it's too big to be nana. What kind of lighting have you got running on it?
  24. all apistos are harem breeders, 20L is a bit tincy, the bigger tank will definitely help
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