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Everything posted by antwan

  1. piranha's, anyone can keep pacu.
  2. Got home today to find the eggs of the panduro eaten, but the pebas is still going strong, fingers crossed.
  3. I tried google too, but couldn't find any pictures. However, there are so many different types of apistogramma out there these little ones just keep popping up. If it is huallaga, and you can't find any info on it, it must mean it's extra rare, so snap them up! breeding pair too, so that's a bonus.
  4. is this the one off the auction on trademe? says it's huallaga doesn't it? I would say it probably is because caserole went up there and sorted them out for the person selling them.
  5. Just a bit of an update, the bitaeniata are doing ok; they got camillanus, so had to treat them with levamisole, and haven't spawned since, so I think the worms mucked them up a bit. However, since then I have got a pair of A.sp. pebas, and just a week or so ago got a pair of panduro. These two have given me a nice surprise of eggs this afternoon which is cool. Here's some photo's: Panduro Pebas
  6. Just leave them.. If they are good parents they will defend their eggs/wigglers/fry, but I'm guessing this is their first spawn judging from your reaction to them laying, so they most likely will eat the eggs. This will give them good practice, until you get another tank for them (that is if you want to of course ). Good luck with them.
  7. 6500k is the "daylight" rating, and best for plants (from what I've heard). They look better under 8000k in my opinion, but 6500k is definitely better than 18,000k's (have never heard of a bulb with a kelvin rating this high on a planted tank before) and 10,000k's.
  8. Chuck them in the private trade and exchange, or trademe. Male apistos seem to sell well because they're colourful, and if you say they're F1's I'm sure you'll get a bit more interest.
  9. Sometimes that's not the case at all which is amazing! The female could not have eggs/wigglers/fry at all, and then be given another species eggs, and she would tend to them like her own! Your pebas look really great ktttk, awesome colour on them. I think mine will be spawning in the next day or so, cos they're looking extra friendly
  10. Cichlids quite often take care of fry that is not theirs. Sharn showed me a thread on simply discus the other day where an apple snail was raising a batch of discus fry, and another person had a discus pair raising angelfish fry, the angelfish fry were even eating the mucus secreted by the discus. Quite a lot of apistogramma breeders will 'give' a batch of eggs to a female they know is good at raising babies. I thought that was quite amazing, and a good way of getting a batch of fry or two going well. If your A. sp. pebas get breeding and they eat their eggs, perhaps you could try putting your female nannacara in with a batch of pebas eggs and see what happens? would be a neat little experiment.
  11. antwan

    New PIKES!!!!

    I have heard none of you speak of spotted dick yet. There's a pommy girl in my form class at school that speaks nothing but it when the topic of England comes up. I must say, it's not bad too.
  12. good job, wasn't long at all. You're obviously doing something right!
  13. antwan

    New PIKES!!!!

    Cheesy weesy's are awesome.
  14. that's a cool flower, any chance of a tank shot showing the plants?
  15. Thanks very much, I think there was just the one male which sucks...hopefully these guys spawn and raise their fry well.
  16. Very nice, these are the first I've heard or seen of them being in NZ before. They are very pretty fish, good luck with them.
  17. How long will the tank be? I have a 150W on a 3foot, and it's only just enough spread. A 480L tank would be something like a 4foot + I imagine, so you could possibly do 3x 150W's or 2x250W's hanging above instead of getting 500W solid light on the middle of the tank. It will look better and your plants will thank you for it too.
  18. Any photo's of that flower?
  19. I have some of this plant, I believe Pupuke sells it. I don't think it's banned, and I sure hope not too cos it's a nice looking plant.
  20. Yea, I do the water changes because I have young discus in the tank that are still growing. By doing frequent water changes it means there are little to no nitrates in the water which are ideal conditions for growth. I'm not exactly sure why nitrates inhibit growth, but they do.
  21. That would make sense because this tank gets a 50% water change every day...so I imagine it would be stripping the plant of its required nutrients. I'll get those ferts into it and see how it goes.
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