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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Good colours but it is crushed and therefore has sharp edges. It would be best not to use it with fish that grub in the gravel such as corries.
  2. You don't put tape on the connection to the cylinder as it is a different type of connection.
  3. They will not brumate unless the temperature is low enough. They do not have to brumate. Best to not half do it I would think.
  4. I usually have 2-3 boxes going but at the moment I am trying to get various cultures going again and only have an icecream container. Will move to a box when it grows a bit. The hot summers here make whiteworms tricky.
  5. There is a ptfe tape for plumbing and a different tape for CO2 and I used it when setting my system up. Co2 is low pressure after the regulator.
  6. Hi and enjoy your time here.
  7. You should be able to get a small quantity from your local pharmacy.
  8. Rabbits do not convert food to meat as well as chickens so are dearer to produce commercially. A 5 week old rabbit would not make a very big stew.
  9. I know people that use that water for breeding fish that like soft water. Not much water is fit for drinking.
  10. When I imported them they came from Sigapore and went in to heated tanks.
  11. In Asia (the home of goldfish) they are all 100% tropical.
  12. Welcome and hope to see you at the TT tank crawl on Saturdy.
  13. More likely the imports are carrying a disease and hence the requirement for more extensive testing of imports. Presumably any locals with the disease have already died.
  14. I would doubt that imports are treated with hormones (particularly if they have since bred). I have heard of breeders dosing females with traces to enhance the colours they are carrying but that is probably an urban myth as well. I have also been told that many guppies are rared in large ponds on outlying islands where land is cheaper and that in many cases there is a lot of saltwater ingress.
  15. Silicone is no good for flexible plastics. Hot glue gun works on some but go get the right fitting and give up the flooding worries.
  16. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here. Please add your location to your profile as it will help people to assist.
  17. alanmin4304

    Hello [AKL]

    Welcome and enjoy
  18. Eurethromycin is prescription only but Furan2 works, is not and can be bought from the pet shop.
  19. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  20. There is a resistent strain of velvet as well were it tends to remain encapsulated and you have to raise the temperature to get them to release the bit that can be got at with meds.
  21. You have itch (whitespot) and finrot (bacterial infection) treat as advised and as per instructions. Salt is not working so move it up a notch. Treat with the least amount of the least toxic medication THAT WORKS. The white spots you see are not what you are treating but the things that the whitespots produce. The red marks on the fins are indicating the early stage of finrot. You have both parasites and bacteria so need to treat for both and either medication will do that.
  22. Looks like you have whitespot and finrot going on there. Treat the whole tank with wunder tonic or furan2 as it will treat both. May kill the mussel but chances are it will die anyway
  23. It may depend what sort of swords they are. A picture would help if you don't know.
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