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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I was feeding my 4 Japanese fire bellied newts this morning and had got used to small black bits of driftwood sitting on the bottom but today one moved and when I had finished demolishing the place I had 58 babies of various sizes. How good is that? I was hoping they would breed in the Spring but obviously they couldn't wait.
  2. I just used it on one of my tanks which is heavily stocked with fish and thay all look pretty happy. Have killed fish in the same tank wth erythromycin.
  3. I use greywacke sand which is inert. Don't know if you have it up there.
  4. That is not a lot of light for a 500mm high tank. You could leave the lights on longer and see if things improve.
  5. That is not a lot of light for a 500mm high tank. You could leave the lights on longer and see if things improve.
  6. That is not a lot of light for a 500mm high tank. You could leave the lights on longer and see if things improve.
  7. Furan 2 will do it. One capsule/40litres then remove what you can and treat the same next day. 1/4 CAP IN A BUCKET.
  8. Thanks for that info. You are right about hypochlorous acid and I couldn't work out what was going on. It is advised to neutralize the chlorine with vinegar when decapsulating brineshrimp cysts and I couldn't get my tiny mind around how that would work. By the time you rinse the liquid off a few times there would be little chlorine left so it would not be a problem.
  9. Holes in the leaves can be caused by a lack of pottasium
  10. Sodium hypochlorate is HTH which releases 80% Cl2 W/W. This will react with water to give hypochlorous acid (HClO3). It cant release chlorine gas as it will form hypochlorous acid again.
  11. thiosulphate actually goes to hydrochloric acid and sulphur if I remember correctly. (There is no sodium hydroxide present)
  12. If you don't use a fan you get temperature layering, which can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on what you want to achieve. It is more uncomfortable because it gets hot around your head.
  13. Do we have a chemist who can explain to this thick person how acetic acid will neutralize chlorine when decapsulating brine shrimp cysts? I understand how sodium thiosulphate works but can't get my tiny mind around what is happening with acetic acid.
  14. I had a purpose built fish house in a previous life. The most imprtant thing is to insulate the hell out of it. I then got a 2bar fan heater and wired it up so the fan went all the time and 1 bar (1kW) heater was wired through the thermostat. The heater hardly ever came on. The next thing is to get heaps of tanks and the water acts as a heat sink. When you open the door the hot air escapes but is easy to re heat. The heat is maintained in the water, so the more you have the better.
  15. Do you have gardneri albino, it could be a cross.
  16. The bug killer has arrived. All you northeners just keep the nurseries in business buying your pest killers. Our debugger has arrived. Got up this morning to snow that was frozen solid with ice. That will kill a few of the bug gers in the garden. Hang in there Auckland your sticky hot humid days are coming.
  17. If dixon (or any other club members) are keen to have a go at the nothos I am happy to help. I have bred thousands of them but am not geared up for them now. Make sure that if you sell them to the shops (or anyone)you advise the need for salt or they get velvet and get a bad rap. That then makes it hard to sell all killies. If you are breeding successfully you have to sell them as you can't carry them around in the boot of the car.
  18. A bit close to the Port hills you reckon? Are you far from one tree hill (without a tree)?
  19. I am using some that have been stored for over 20 years and they are OK. The RTV does deteriorate though.
  20. I heard a rumour that this is the reason why hill billies are a bit different.
  21. up to you---you pays your money and you takes your pick. I have both and use whatever takes my fancy.
  22. Cheap cutters are just as good so long as you oil them. The expensive ones only oil the wheel for you but will stuff up just as quick if you abuse them by cutting dirty glass or making double cuts etc. Most people dont oil the cheap ones and seize up the wheel.
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