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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They lay over a few days and can vary in numbers.
  2. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong but I understand that pakeha means stranger or strange person. What would be stranger to a maori on the beach getting some pipis for lunch and seeing Captain Cook sailing around the corner in a strange looking sailing ship, wearing the clothing of the day and looking at the beach through a hollow stick. I'll bet the Australian aboriginals felt the same way. One was heard to say "lOOK AT THAT, what a strange way to play the didgereedoo"
  3. There is also another side to the coin. A friend who is a solo mother had a daughter who got into all sorts of strife. and everything mother did or said got ignored by kid. Could get no help fom Welfare agencies or cops. She used to sneak out of the house at night and meet up with her friends. You can't handcuff them to the bed. Kid did time in the local bad kid's home then suddenly realised that at 18 the cops were going to get serious. Changed her life around--now married and having her 4th child and holding down a very responsible job with very good pay all this time. Many times it is bad parenting but it is too simplistic to just blame the parents. Society has changed and there is now not a lot of support from society in general. The idea that all children are our children which you often see reflected in maori and island culture has been "PCed" from pakeha society and as a consequence there are a lot of struggling parents out there as well as "horse stealin" kids. When I got caught pinching strawberries as a kid the cop kicked us all up the arse and sent us home to dad who beat the crap out of us again so I hope some things have changed.
  4. Bubble and squeek pets in Stanmore Rd Christchurch have them at the moment for about $80 I think.
  5. I use river sand which around here is greywacke and pretty inert.
  6. If you advertise having a tortoise you probably would have as much chance of hanging on to it as if you advertised have mary jane plants down the back garden.
  7. Charlie--the last two I saw on that site the bidding was at $81 EACH
  8. Fish are like humans---If they don't want to breed they don't. Give them a rest, feed them well, bring home flowers and play cool music. You never know your luck in the big city.
  9. Flood irrigation of effluent is pretty common in that location. The bugs are generally tied up in the soil with surface spread. All the old septic tanks in that area discharge via soakholes to about 6m depth.
  10. One hypo lizard. Good thing it wasn't red bull
  11. I have read all the scientific papers that were presented with the application to apply the solids to the forests and the Regional councils main concerns were the leaching of nirates into the groundwater. The heavy metals are generally tied up in the soil and so do not pose much risk to the groundwater. They will eventually build up in the soil or your cabbages of course. My main concern was the possible spread of diseases and that problem was addressed by keeping people out of the area. I wouldn't want it on my garden even though I do recall helping my father dig it out and put it on the garden when I was a kid at Roxborough Hydro.
  12. Many years ago I realised everybody is good at something. Some people just haven't figured out what yet.
  13. When you have been in the fish game for a couple of weeks like I have you will learn that if you have a number of fish, newts, turtles etc you can sell a lot more to the shops than privately. If you sell them to the shops at a certain price then to private individuals at the same price the shops stop buying from you. I have made the choice to sell to this shop and their mark up is a lot fairer than many other shops. I paid $100 each (at Pet World) for mine at the same size when I bought them. That is the price at the moment and if there gets to be a lot more around no doubt the price will drop. You can buy them now or wait and hope the price drops (or rises). That is the nature of life.
  14. I have two breeding pairs of Japanese in a similar setup that is about 500mm cubed with half water and half land (with a couple of 8 watt lights and a few plants. Most plants don't survive with that low light but I have found that Cardamine lyrata. xmas moss and miniature figs do. You can't sex them at that age but the ratio is about 50/50
  15. Careful with the coffee. Like many animals they can carry Salmonella. There is a serotype pretty specific to them S. St. Paul I think.
  16. I have killed off fish with other antibiotics (killing the filter bugs and causing the tank to recycle I think) but not with furan2
  17. If it clears from the bottom to the top it is air but if it clears from the top to the bottom it is suspended solids.
  18. All I can suggest is that it should have been 4 caps each time and that it sounds like it could be a problem that furan will not fix. It is expensive so it is best to dose in a small tank or drop the water level.
  19. Looks like a Japanese fire belly when the fire has gone out
  20. They are from a very good looking and reputable breeder.
  21. Bubble and squeek in Stanmore Rd have the Japanese fire bellies for sale and you could see examples of how to keep them while you are there. They can be fed on fruit flies and white worms so you would need to get cultures going. Also daphnia and aphids when available.
  22. People are paranoid about the copper from the hot water cylinder. Copper only goes into solution in acid water and that is why Local Authorities keep the water supply slightly alkaline. Acid water will eat the zinc out of your brass taps before it eats copper and if the water is acid it can eat a hole in your copper pipes or hot water cylinder in about 12 months. The cylinder in our house has been there since the house was built in 1945 so work that out. I refill my tanks with a blend of hot and cold water and have never had a problem. I also do complete water changes on killie fry with water only from the hot tap,as the first bucket of water is about the right temperature by the time the pipes empty of cold and it fills the bucket.
  23. You can import artemia cysts (brine shrimp) but I don't think you can import fairy shrimp---they are not the same thing.
  24. Just so you don't find out the hard way, they don't like malachite green either. Ok with acriflavine
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