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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have a four foot tank divided into 6 sections and heated with a heat pad under the tank---works well
  2. It can also kill the filter. I lost a tank full of killies using it but on other times it had ben OK. Furan 2 also works.
  3. I have tried using peroxide to control bga and it has worked sometimes but more often doesn't
  4. It depends on how big the tank is but most of mine have been from 10mm glass. I found it cheaper to buy from a glass merchant and get the offcut peices as they are usually used in larger windows They will usually sell the offcuts at a cheaper rate. With thinner glass it is sold right down to smaller pieces so there realy are few offcuts. You can therefore get 10mm at a similar price to thinner glass. Also it pays to ask what they want for cutting to size as they do it all day and it saves you paying to get rid of the waste yourself. You need to know exactly the sizes you want. Paying cash helps as well.
  5. Or drop a bit of soldering flux (hydrochloric acid) on some marble chips
  6. Some of the chain sword would be great. I have ludwigia. I can't find a picture of the plant--can you point me in the right direction?
  7. I try to avoid touching them as they absord things through their thin skin. I have plants growing in potting mix so I have covered that with fine gravel to keep them away from it and I change the water every week or so. Mine has a small filter in the water but you need to make sure there is not much water movement blowing them all over the place. When young they hardly go near the water but are in it a lot when breeding. All about balance ---the more you have and the smaller the container, the more work to look after them. This morning I had 36 young ones in a 10 gallon tank but at that age you never see them in the water. They are mainly fed fruitflies, aphids and whiteworms. My breeders are fed on the land and in the water so the water gets dirty a lot quicker. I find the work is in looking after the babies which have not morphed--stopping them eating each other, feeding them well and keeping the water clean. Once they morph they are as tough as.
  8. It is an eko terra terrarium rather than an aquarium and those dimensions are correct. A lot comes down to how much time you want to put in to maintaining the system. The larger the setup the less often you have to clean. They need a clean environment including water. They must be happy as they have been laying eggs for some time and still are.
  9. Calcium sulphate is almost insoluble so you might as well add oyster shell --it is cheaper. Calcium chloride might be better.
  10. The other thing is that they are often displayed under strong light and too hot, both of which doesn't do much for them. We will have to bring over the dog whisperer to train them.
  11. I have it in mind---as soon as I get rid of the Auckland harbour bridge
  12. Do you have a picture of your chain sword. I am after the common chain sword (Echinodorus quadricostatus) and would be happy to swap for a number of plants which might be suitable if that is what you have.
  13. 12 weeks at 25 deg C. in double plastic bags, and the second lot in a small plastic container.
  14. If you want to support "NZ made" contact the police on the Coramandel, they will probably have a few chopper loads of the raw materials already this year.
  15. Many people who breed lots of fish, including myself in the good old days breed fish in small tanks then feed the fry up for a while before trasfering them to larger tanks to grow them up. It is better to feed fry in small shallow tanks for a while as they are surrounded by food then transfer them to larger tanks which are easier to maintain once they are swimming well. Small fish in a large tank are likely to be at one end getting hungry while the food is at the other end. This is particularly so in a breeding situation where the whole room is heated.
  16. You could breed a lot of different types of fish in tanks that size but you would need bigger tanks to rear them. Tetras, killies, danios, barbs to name a few. Basically any small egg layers.
  17. There was nothing left but a stain on the fabric. I suspect the peat with its antibiotic and acidic qualities discourages bacteria. I also have not hatched any from another lot which were stored in a small plastc container rather than a plastic bag. It is early times but hopefully we will learn something from this wee excersise.
  18. Well today is the big wet. Spawned a trio for about 6 days into peat and stored it at 25deg C in an incubator. So far have 6 fry and still watching. Also wet 17 eggs that were also stored in peat in a small plastic container from same incubator. I wet them later so none yet. The second lot were spawned on sand then stored in peat. The ones in between these two and stored on fabric were a disaster and all went to killi heaven prematurely. At least we get to take that off the list of alternatives that work. I have another lot that was on fabric which no doubt will be knocking on the pearly gates, and another on peat in a snap lock bag. These still need more time. Will report results on the first two in a couple of days.
  19. I think people forget that many of these things are about expectation. My mother is 95 and has never owned a credit card or had anything on time payment,worked until she was over 70 and went through the real depression. I remember the excitement when they got the first piece of carpet they had ever owned--it was in the front porch, was more like feltex than carpet and was not much bigger than the toilet. We now think we are entitled to buy a house fully furnished and carpeted and a car up the drive. We have an expectation that we should have everything and when we don't we think we have a recession. If you have a roof over your head and food on the table you are not in a recession. This little blip may teach us what is realy important.
  20. When did the government force/encourage banks to offer mortgages to people they normally wouldn't?
  21. I think he is talking about blue/green algae--cyanobacter. rather than black beard algae.
  22. Start by talking to the planners at your local Council and see what is permitted where and what is involved if it is not permitted in the sceme. I would suggest you talk to Wok but he might excommunicate me.
  23. Some of the nicest people I have met were septic tank cleaners. And they never had mags on their truck.
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