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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Only thing is you don't get arrested for streeting
  2. Ya all closet poms--must be those wee hills to the south of ya.
  3. In other words it is the same as it was 50 years ago when I went to school. There was and still is bad, good and very good parents and what you get is a pure accident of birth. It is the individuals responsibility to assess what they got given in life and to try and make up for the good things they missed out on or the bad things they can avoid passing on to the next generation if they choose to. It annoys me to hear politicians raving on about how they will make parents take responsibility for their kids. If your kid wags school you can't handcuff them to the classroom. You can pass on your values but if they don't accept them there is not a lot you can do. We create our own lives, not parents, teachers or politicians.
  4. The present lot of eggs will be no good as they drown in a short period. I have a seperate tank set up with an area of sand/vermiculite for them to lay (it is about 300mm deep). As stated, they all have there own personality but you can pick when they want to lay. They go off their food and usually dig the gravel in the water more than normal, then get up on the basking area and dig with their front legs. When they dig with their back legs they get moved to the egg laying tank. If you make sure the sand is moist they will normally lay on the next warm day. In the mean time they drive you nuts getting up and down etc etc till they decide it is their only choice and lay.
  5. There are ways to put a big tank together so that the contact areas are increased where they need to be (using additional straps)
  6. New Zealand has very similar conditions to their native land and therefore the chances of them morphing natually there or here are pretty remote.
  7. That would empty one and overfill the other.
  8. Sometimes life sucks---get used to it.
  9. Is the part of the plastic trim that is carrying the weight actuelly supprted by the stand?
  10. There are a number of ways to get them to change to a salamander and it doesn't have to involve injections but I believe that if an axolotl wanted to become a salamander it would without any assistance from us. I am not about to state on here how to do it because some idiot will just have to do it. If they can live and breed as axies why not let them? Years ago some people used to morph them to breed them before they realised they could breed as axies.
  11. There are a number of ways to get them to morph but I would go along with the idea that if it wanted to it would so why not let it be. They are the only animal that will breed in its juvenile form that I am aware of so there is no need to force them to morph.
  12. Even just cleaning the inlet pipe will often restore the flow pretty well.
  13. It is not legal to have salamanders in NZ
  14. Talking about closets--I have a brother over there and my kids do have a bit of strain abridgneeee but most of us down here in this ol town have ancesters from Kent. My fathers mother was a suffragette from kent but my mothers parents were of the bagpipe brigade. At least we are not like Billy T ---wants to get Launguage Removed... Mod Bill.... but doesn't want to pay for it. Only half of the above. You can choose which half.
  15. Oh excuse me my man. I Didn't realise you have all become poms up there. Any further deterioration and you could be strains.
  16. Is this football game anything like the game of soccer?
  17. If this is a tank with a plastic frame around the edge of the base then all the weight of the tank is supported on that frame, unlike a tank which is flat on the bottom over polystyrene and the weight is distributed evenly. That plastic frame needs to be supported properly as it is carrying all the weight.
  18. I have a 900litre/hour eheim on a turtle tank and it gets gunged up pretty quick. I find that a major part of the restriction on the flow in the filter is the build up of crud on the inlet pipe. I disconnect the pipes to clean the filter, lightly rinse the filter itself so that only the excess crud is removed then blow water back against the normal flow with the outside tap. Our water is not chlorinated but even if it were it wouldn't kill much off in the pipe as it is the crud in the filter itself that contains most of the bugs. Cleaning the filter itself too much kills a lot of good bugs but backflowing the pipes, even with chlorinated water shouldn't do any harm to the filter itself.
  19. If you are concerned about the possibility of your fish catching malaria you could bring them around here where they can be destroyed under proper supervision.
  20. There is actually an advantage in having polished edges (if you wish to pay the megabucks to have it done) and that is that any chips or small defects are removed. This is a considerable weakness and where a break will usually start.
  21. I clean the pipes every time I clean the filter by running water at high velocity in the opposite direction to the normal flow. The inlet pipe is usually pretty gunged up and is one of the main things restricting the flow.
  22. If it was me, I would take the eggs out mops and all and hatch them somewhere else. You do what works for you. Killies are the only eggs that can be handled that I know of.
  23. You can't handle the eggs like killies, you are best to leave them on the mops and put in new mpos if you wish. If the lay on the glass you can scrape them off with a razor blade, but best not to handle them realy.
  24. You could but only experience will show what the temperature difference will be.
  25. You can't handle the eggs like you can with killies. You can take the fishout and let the eggs hatch or remove the mops to another tank and raise them there. Brine shrimp nuplii and microworm are the best foods.
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