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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I don't think they would breed but they would survive if they were in good enough condition to hibernate. Might be different on the wrong side of the Bombays.
  2. I am with the 4th generation of guppies in with mine.
  3. Ask DonnaM why so many of the turtles she looks after have names related to places in Christchurch like Avon and Shirly. I was talking to a couple of guys removing weed from the Avon river a few weeks back and they have found red ears and snake necks in the Avon river in the past. A snake neck can cost almost as much as a beardie or blue toungue. There are idiots out there and the laws are made to try and control the idiots not perfectly lovely people like you and me.
  4. I think the problem mainly lies with those whose sole interest is profit. They breed and sell exotic animals which needed very specialised care without any regard for how they will be kept. You see it here with a lot of things. Turtles are a good example ---a lot of pet shops are happy to sell all the wrong equipment and give the wrong advice for keeping them. I would hate to see them selling even more exotic animals requiring very special care.
  5. The problem with people being able to keep virtually any animal as a pet means that there will be a lot of people keeping animals in completely unsuitable conditions. You get that anywhere in the world already but the more extreme the animals that can be kept the more likely many of the more exotic ones will be kept in unsatisfactory conditions. Unfortunately there are people everywhere who get bored with an animal and release it. I personally don't have a problem with NZ banning tree climbing, native bird eating reptiles for that reason and it may be that the USA has concluded that the freedom to keep any animal you wish can have its problems. So a few tiger breeders will be looking for new employment but they will be a lot fewer than people in many other more usefull jobs.
  6. I heat the water to raise the ambient temperature for green and gold bell frogs and it works well. I also don't know the minimum temperature requirements for water dragons but heating the water certainly keeps the frogs happy.
  7. If you add too much ferts before the plants get established and start utilizing them you will feed algae. Excel has an algacidal effect so a little can be good and also can be increased when plants are growing.
  8. I had one years ago that was a carbon vein pump. Worked well but was the noisiest thing about. There were also double piston pumps around then . Haven't seen either since.
  9. $2 will not do much for the cause but your credit card details may do a lot for the person you give them to.
  10. They are called brine shrimp because the live in brine. 25 grams/litre + aeration + light + heat.
  11. I am not realy in favour of people taking a giant saltie or pet tiger for a walk through the streets of New York which I believe can be done at present. I might want to go there one day.
  12. Your Sag is a boy. There is a smaller Sag called microfolia. Blue light makes compact growth and encourages flowers. With intense light but not so blue eg 6500k, subulata will grow to 500mm.
  13. Egg yolk will polute the tank very quickly if you use too much and too much is a very small amount. If the brineshrimp eggs are NZ ones feed them when hatched. Newly hatched brine shrimp are nuplii where they feed on a yolk sac and have no mouth parts or anus, they then grow into baby brine shrimp and are not as good in food value.
  14. I used to feed heaps of brine shrimp and never had a problem with swim bladder disease. It has better food value than microworms when fed as nuplii.
  15. Forget the blood worms until they are waaaay bigger. green water is infusoria but also contains some microbes containing chlorophyl--hence the green colour. If you have nothing ready best to go to the pet shop today and buy liquafry for egg layers. Only start feeding a little and often but not until the fry are free swimming. Until then they are feeding on the yolk sac. In a couple of weeks you can start adding brine shrimp nuplii. The NZ stuff is dearer but smaller and can be fed along with infusoria (green water or liquafry) almost imediately. The imported stuff you can start adding in a couple of weeks. Keep the air above the tank warm and moist and keep the water level down low.
  16. You need to seperate most anabantoid young into groups of a similar size as they tend to grow at different rates regardless of how well you feed them. You only need to seperate the male fighters and only when they start showing agro to each other.
  17. They are often very prolific and lay hundreds of eggs. The fact that most people only manage to raise a few to maturity is another issue.
  18. Unless it was going on a very strong concrete floor I would suggest you also include a ring around the bottom to better distribute the weight or all that weight will be transposed onto six square inches and that will be a lot of force, particularly on a timber floor.
  19. The leaves float, they don't grow out of the water otherwise.
  20. The metal would probably cost more than that unless you live by a sharp corner and have speeding trucks up the street.
  21. Whatever the Regional Council declares is over ridden by national declarations anyway. Water hyacinth is a nationally declared unwanted organism so it can't get any worse than that anyway. A region can make policy on things which may be a problem in that region but not nationally. They are probably worried about Sag getting in to some of the lakes and waterways up that way. They may even be there already.
  22. I don't think water hyacinth is about so doesn't need controlling. Sag may be about in the wild up there? Things may change when John Banks starts running greater Auckland and the whole region.
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