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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have seen blue toungues, beardies and water droagons on that sit recently and presently. It is not realy the season at the moment--only some late comers. Are you sure it is not just the policy of that shop.
  2. They were also being caught in large numbers and exported to Germany. This virtually cleaned out some populations and Maf thought they could include natives.
  3. It is very good food value and you can feed it for a number of months and start introducing other foods at the same time. If you are starting on new foods it would be best to feed that first so they are hungry and don't get pigged out on the brine shrimp nuplii. Good foods would be microworms then grindle worms then whiteworms and bloodworms when they are big enough. You can also feed fake food but also try that before they pig out on something else. The bigger the variety you can feed the less fussy they will be later.
  4. I worked for many years in a place where the boss used to religiously water the pot plants every morning. When the place was disbanded one of the ladies presented him with a very cleverly made plastic jug with plastic water that looked completely real. All of that time he had been watering plastic plants with a bit of potting mixture added to make them look more real.
  5. I would use an undertank heater and no filter with a low stocking rate of fish.
  6. Japanese fire bellied newts grow to about 100mm and Chinese to about 80mm. Takes a couple of years and a good supply of food.
  7. It depends what type of eelgrass it is, where they are, where it came from and wether that Regional Council has banned it. It is a bit like the people on that site that sell oxygen weed without a picture and when you ask what sort they say it is the same stuff you get from the pet shop---but it may not be.
  8. I have recently been feeding the winged fruitflies from the excess peaches on the compost heap and usually have a few up by the lid in the morning. That is where the fruitflies hang around at night so they go looking for a feed.
  9. The giant stuff is gigantia and is an unwanted organism nationally. V. americana is a lot thinner but also can be very long and may be banned wherever Regional Councils have decided.
  10. There are two levels of prohibition. Vallisneria gigantia is nationally prohibited as an unwanted organism but in some areas the regional councils (who are responsible for noxious weeds control) have also prohibited Vallisneria americana because of the similarity when small as you state. I understand that all of the twisted Vallisneria sp. are allowed. In fact V. gigantia is that ginormous it would be hard to miss.
  11. We have a starling that sits on the power lines outside on the road and does a perfect mimic of a phone ringing. This is the second year now.
  12. Furan2 will work also and can be bought from your local pet shop.
  13. That is a nice plant. Grows big but doesn't get emersed. Not easy to propagate. Thanks for the driftwood (via Steph) I will make good use of it.
  14. Blue light encourages compact growth and flowering so your 18000k tubes should encourage the flowers.
  15. Wellington water was heavily chlorinated when I lived there, but that was a couple of weeks ago (1971). Letting the water stand will dissipate chlorine and push the chloramines more towards the monochloramine which is used in the USA to disinfect water supplies and is nearly as bad as chlorine. Add chemicals to neutralize them both.
  16. All live bearers look like females untill they mature and develop a gonopodium, it doesn't mean they were all female.
  17. I read somewhere that the harder the water the more light that is required.
  18. Because your swords are floating they are getting strong light but only nutrient in the water column. If you plant them and feed the roots they will do better.
  19. You may need less light until your plants become established and start using nutrient, otherwise you may get excessive algae.
  20. Maybe we maka da bullfighta--jus der lille wun
  21. There is a very tame hand reared rainbow for sale at Bubble and Squeek in Stanmore Rd and it didn't want to bite me while I was playing with it.
  22. Most of those plants, including glosso, will need strong light and often don't like it too warm (being from a temperate climate zone). They are good marginals as they get plenty of light being emersed.
  23. All undesirables are removed by water changes and some by carbon.
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