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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. When I was 16 I had a step over push bike with only one gear.
  3. I don't think they are enclined to feed in the water so may be OK from that point of view but I think the conditions for fish and frogs are different enough for them to be better off seperated.
  4. Most of these add people seem to have completely missed the point. If you put a half naked woman on a car bonnet and put it on the TV people will remember the add but not what sort of car it was supposed to be selling. It is the same with half of these crazy adds now. I can remember how crazy they are but usually forget what they were trying to sell---all a bit pointless realy and a waste of good viewing time (if there is such a thing)
  5. The three varieties of Australian frogs introduced to NZ and since established are Litoria--tree frogs. The whistlers prefer it cold and I think are all over NZ as are the southern bells. The green and golds, of which there is an albino variety around, only live in the northern half of the North Island and need it a bit warmer. My frogs (green and golds) only eat live food and only on the land. They are pretty good at eating each other though and have massive mouths and will eat any living thing that will fit in it.
  6. They are very efficient and throw out a lot of heat. A few years ago there was a mad rush on building consents to install them and then a mad rush to replace them because they made a lot of noise with the fans that were being used. I understand that they have now fixed that problem. As stated the two main reservations seem to be the fact that they will not operate in a power cut and they will only burn the pellets that are provided by one supplier. They do throw out some heat and are an approved clean burning appliance in this clean air zone. Not sure if they are available with or approved with a wet back.
  7. Best to keep Maf out of it. Most killies are permitted imports anyway so can't see them getting too excited. You see the same discussions going on over various African lake cichlids as well. I suspect they have done a google search and come up with a picture of a fish that looks like what they have. If you want the real thing--join the real club and deal with the real people.
  8. I bag them with air and a teaspoon of water then double bag them. Place them in a carton and send fastpost. Fast post is between $3 and $4.50 depending on size but you need to cut the box down to less than 70mm and it takes 1-2 days instead of 3-5.
  9. It has a flower spike which forks into two---hence the name which means two flowers. Often when you pull out apanogeton plants they will leave the bulbbehind (and it usually regrows). It can be a pest as it propagates very readily but the plant is allowed. Not particularly atractive in an aquarium as most of the leaves are floating
  10. looks like it might be Aponogeton distachyus
  11. What about milk bottles with cardboard tops and before that the milkey coming around and giving so many ladles into your container, and cream that floated to the top of the bottle and real cream that you could stand a spoon up in. All heavily subsidised and cheap as chips
  12. I don't know if they listen to the weather forecast but they normally spawn during times of high pressure.
  13. Wait till the breeding season in spring, feed them well and don't play the beejees.
  14. Angels and guppies are not realy a good combination as the angels get a lot bigger and will give the guppies a hard time. A 2 cubic foot tank would be the minimum size for a pair of adult angels.
  15. alanmin4304

    Metro & Prazi

    Trichozole will be a tradename
  16. The main thing is to stay alert, NZ needs more lerts.
  17. But that is caused by drinking tea---stick to coffee and remain a dinkum
  18. alanmin4304

    Metro & Prazi

    It may have been replaced by something else now but flagyll (metro) was used in humans for the control of parasitic diseases like amebiasis (amoebic dysentery)
  19. Most of Christchurch was wetland originally but has now been reduced to a small area behind the ears of some politicians.
  20. Nice tank. The smaller Sag is microfolia. I grow it emersed so in this weather it is struggling to survive. I have put a bit out there and someone may have some available grown submersed. There was some for sale on trademe a few months back. Most people don't seem to be aware of the advantages of the stuff. It stays low and looks a bit like E. tenellus latifolius but requires less light. Blue light may keep your S. subulata short.
  21. Euro bracing is a strap about 40-50 mm wide going right round the top and often the bottom of each panel attatched on the edge and adds rigidity to the panel. In my view it is superior to braces accross the the top in the middle of the tank.
  22. Even in "The Good Old Days" when a standard tank was 24x12x12 inches (600x300x300mm) and they were made from second hand glass from broken shop windows they were all 1/4 plate. 4mm on a tank that size even though only 300mm high would not be sitting in my lounge full of water.
  23. I use meth blue mainly as an antifungal, acriflavine as an antibacterial and antiparasite for fish sensitive to copper or malachite, and furan as an antibacterial. Malachite and copper are very effective on fish not sensitive to them. Formadehyde is also good as an antivirul but like the previous two should be used with caution. Many of these treatments such as copper, malachite, quinine can cause temporary sterility in fish so you need to be careful if breeding.
  24. I have had gardneri albino, blue and nigerianus gold along with australe brown and gold all males in the same tank. Bitaeniatum are a bit small I think. All males and a well planted tank and they shold be fine.
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