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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They are expensive aren't they? The fine would be a bit tough but the free board and lodging would help compensate I guess.
  2. A bit silly if it can just wander where it wants
  3. It is a good idea to breed your own live food as too many people get sick of buying it and feed them the wrong food.
  4. If it is a reeves send it down here and I will find a home for it.
  5. Sounds like you are on the right track. Check the best salad to feed. I am so paranoid about crickets I breed and feed locusts, dust them with calcium and spray the veg with liquid vitamins as in the care sheet info.
  6. They get a lot of their water from the vegetables as they don't have the nouse to drink standing water. Get a little sprayer and spray them with warm water as they absorb moisture through their skin also
  7. Tully, have a read of the info on foods that is a link to the care sheet for beardies and it shows you vegetable food to feed every day as well as food that you can feed only now and again. Staple food should be high in calcium, low in phosphorus and oxalates and be cheap and easy to get. Dandelion leaves are like that.
  8. We had that yesterday so the whole thing is moving north. Tie everything down for tomorrow.
  9. I have four. A 1960s bacterial incubator I bought for $30 which has just successfully hatched beardies and turtles, an EPS china made one for reptiles which has hatched beardies, An old EPS one that has hatched turtles and an old fibreglass one with auto turner that has hatched hundreds of birds eggs. The ones on trademe in the reptile section look pretty good. It all comes down realy to how accurate they are at holding the temperature you want. All of mine vary half a degree each side of the setting. With birds eggs it also needs a good turner. There would be nothing wrong with a home made one for reptiles if it will hold the temperature.
  10. One of the pet shop owners down here gave a mouse to the water dragon as a treat but got sick of all the customers going ew and ar while it sat there all day and sucked the juice out of it. Last treat for that fella.
  11. We would assume that our representative in your country would be using the Queen's english.
  12. I have frogs and fly traps outside. Only get the odd fly inside. More likely to find locusts that got away while feeding the reps.
  13. A bit late now probably but the best way to fill a tank you are setting up is to put a large plate on top of the media then a glass jug on that and fill up the jug slowly. This avoids stirring up the media.
  14. Silicone is not that good at sticling to plastic. I use a hot glue gun.
  15. Is that the sewer or stormwater manhole? Every time I see that add for paint on TV I think of the sewer outfall at Pencarrow that was there when I lived in Wellington. Hopefully now upgraded.
  16. I have seen many tanks that are heavily planted and lightly stocked with fish and have no filtration at all. They look great and require very little maintenance. The more you filter (and aerate) the more you can (and normally do) overstock. It is all about balance.
  17. I understand the theory but not easy to achieve or maintain.
  18. If your filter is chocker full of aerobic nitrifying bacteria then it must have a good supply of oxygen because those bugs need it. Facultative bacteria can live with or without oxygen but facultative anaerobes can live with oxygen but will only carry out the removal of nitrate in the absence of oxygen. It would be a pretty clever filter to be aerobic at one end and anaerobic at the other and stay that way.
  19. The bacteria are feeding on (bacterial) food not nitrogenous waste. The nitrogen is still there in the form of nitrite or nitrate so they are converting nitrogen compounds while feeding on bacterial food ----whatever that might be. Food is the main limiting factor. If they have a high bio load from heaps of fish they will multiply to use it up. If you have massive filters and a small bio load the filter will only contain a fraction of its bacterial capacity whatever filter you have. With a big filter the bacteria can multiply to the max without any housing or overcrowding problems. With all of this you can still get to artificially high stocking rates and the system will realy crash big time if there is a power failure or something goes wrong with the filter.
  20. Cyano will be in virtually every fish tank but it only takes off when the conditions are right.
  21. With their outlook on life---"if you can't mate with it then eat it", there is probably more of the latter going on.
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