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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. If the header states for zoos you can rest assured the following message is about zoos no matter how hard you might wish that it was not.
  2. You can grow them in a belljar setup as Nick describes or in a glasshouse like a normal potplant once they are converted to fully emersed growth. The conversion is the hardest part. Some plants do best moist and others don't worry. In either case they need to be well watered. In a wet situation the fertilizing is similar to hydroponics and in a drier situation you need to add fertizers as you would for a potplant. Some prefer some sunlight and artificial light, others just sunlight and others do not do well with just artificial light. There is a lot of "try it and see" involved. C. balansae and the ones from Sri Lanka prefer harder water and a bit of calcium.
  3. I will have red special and red rubin later on (emersed as well if you want)
  4. Remove anything that looks like parasites from the bottom. I am not sure about what you are using but some treatments for gut parasites stop them from being able to hold on to the gut and are passed through and therefore may still be viable.
  5. Neon, they are so bad because they are hard to get rid of. They have been distributed all over the world to control mosquito larvae which they are not as good at getting rid of as people think (hence the common name---mosquito fish)
  6. I should have a heap of young barthii at the end of summer as they are throwing runners all over the place. They won't look like that without very strong light though. If I remember correctly ozelot is a hybrid of leopard and barthii, and leopard is a hybrid of horizontalis and something else. Most of the redish Echinodorus sp. are a hybrid of barthii somewhere along the line. Red special or red rubin would probably go a similar colour with your light.
  7. Many of the Echinodorus sp. here came from Tropica and they are hybrids. I have not seen one with that intense colour. It would be interesting to see what it looks like under average light. It could be Barthii which used to be sold as double red. I bought a couple off trademe which were sold as copper swords. Mine don't look like that as they are growing emersed. They are throwing lots of runners but have a long way to go yet.
  8. You must have good light to get the arcuata like that. What is your purple looking sword?
  9. Reptiles seem to come at this sex determination thing from a number of different angles. I hope that they are not psychologically damage because of this. I understand that beardies do not have a simple sex determination system either. It may be that it is quite simple but that we do not understand it.
  10. Gambusia are not wild guppies or legal to keep and breed.
  11. I think it is prescription only and you would have to get it from a vet or doctor.
  12. I think you are doing what many others try to do with religion. They are trying to prove something spiritual with science when realy you either believe it or you don't and it has little to do with science. There are so many variables in what you are trying to achieve that it will be very hard to find a formulae that works. Some fish are all mean (except the odd friendly one) and some are all friendly (apart from the odd mean one). You can have a very good aquarium with no filtration right through to heavy filtration and with different loadings as well. Too many variables for me.
  13. There are other problems too ---nimby for instance. In the us there are very few places they can live when they get out as who would want them. They all ended up in that town where the kidnapped child was found. Not as easy as it seems some times.
  14. At the moment he has not been convicted so he is entitled to justice like everybody else. It is not justice to ruin his life when he has not been convicted. That is what the courts are for. Most of the interest is the same as what sells all the rag mags rather than genuine concern for the victim who the courts were trying to protect by name suppression.
  15. Savlon contains benzalkonium chloride (which is a quarternary ammonium compound).
  16. Reptile eggs cannot realy be sent through the post. I you don't turn birds eggs they die and if you do turn reptile eggs they die. All my baby beardies are spoken for sorry. There will be a few for sale as it is a good time of the year for breeding them.
  17. If you handle them a little when young they lose their fear and are then easier to handle. In this warm weather we put our pair outside in a cage in the sun and they don't panic. I only have beardies.
  18. There is a bit of a conflict with having name suppression and being on a register available to the public. He is still innocent and the innocent people involved should be protected, and I am sure that is what the court had in mind. If found guilty he would have more difficulty continuing with name suppression.
  19. Just my opinion but I think they are all reptiles and should only be handled enough to make handling simple for you and them. If you want a pet to cuddle you should get a cat. I have beardies only, and they can be picked up when needed without them panicking but they don't get "petted".
  20. Quarternary ammonium compounds are highly toxic to fish aren't the? I have a friend who is a pharmacist and treated fish with Savlon and they went over pretty quick (contains hibitane as well though)
  21. The court has heard all the evidence (possibly evidence not coming out in the court as well) and have decided to grant suppression. I would accept that as I figure they know more about it than me. I therefore don't want to know who it is and therefore the name of the child also.
  22. I use to make zambuca with anise oil.
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