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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have not come accross it. Sagittaria microfolia does not grow tall like subulata and needs less light than most of the other foreground plants like glosso and the various types of E. tenellus, hairgrass etc.
  2. A lot of those crosses would not be good in my opinion. White is a double blusher (stripeless gene) and double gold. That would not go well with zebra. Zebra to gold can be good and marble to gold can be good. marble to zebra not so good. They would all look good together but not to breed.
  3. I am afraid I developed a total dislike of cats after watching all the neighbour's cats trying to kill the contents of nine aviaries and 3 goldfish ponds. If a dog was doing that all hell would let loose but for some reason we accept it from cats (well some people do). I would like to get birds where I am now but could not put up with them being harassed by the neighbour's cats.
  4. True. I got a bit mixed up there. I usually think in mm but ended up having a bit of both. Would you believe 50mm
  5. That would be my guess also. 50cm is too big for whistlers and your location is too far south for green and golds.
  6. Those ladies sure can get agro when they have a headache. I guess it is payback for the agro the males put out sometimes. Our boy is having a rest on his own at the boys club right now. He frequently has claws missing but is presently recovering from a severe bite to the snout. My partner can confirm that they have a good bite as she got caught on the inside of the forearm recently.
  7. I think the law reflects peoples attitude and I also think cat owners attitude and the law should change. I have a number of pets and feel responsible to confine them to my property.
  8. The enclosed lid will be stopping the UV from getting to the turtles and preventing the moisture from escaping so they can't dry their shells. Replace with mesh, add a heat lamp and make sure the UV lights are less than a year old and not blocked by glass or plastic. Then, given time, they should be happy little reptiles.
  9. What amazes me is the different attitudes of dog and cat owners. A dog owner is expected to keep a dog under control on their own property and yet cat owners have no problem with their cats wandering all over the neighbourhood harassing and killing wild birds etc and other peoples pet animals. I think cats should be kept under control or not kept.
  10. I used to have 8 pairs breeding at one time and all kept one pair to a tank about that size. You are best to have a large tank if you want to grow a few up and pair them up.
  11. Our dog years ago got hold of an old cat on our property and broke its back. The owner took it to the vet who put it down. He said the cat was doing what cats do and so was the dog. Now that we have no dog we get all the cats in the neighbourhood using our place as a public convenience. I am contemplating getting a cat eating iguana. When the problem is solved I may be able to return to keeping birds in aviaries.
  12. The genes are in pairs and some are dominant and some recessive. Marble to gold is a good cross and marble is dominant over gold. Gold is recessive so a gold angel will have two gold genes. The marble will have one or two marble genes. If it has one (lightly marbled) you will need to work out what the other gene is. People do some silly crosses with angels and you can end up with pretty rubbishy fish if you get it wrong. If the marble is already split to gold you will get marbles and golds from that cross.
  13. I would defer to the nominated experts but would think you might be better to lower the temperature of the water, get a heat lamp over the basking area and make sure the tank is well ventilated to keep the humidity down.
  14. If you go to the Homebrew shop and get some wine yeast and add that to a mix of 2.5 lbs/ gallon along with a bit of yeast nutrient you will keep it going a lot longer than bakers yeast. If you add 2.5lbs/gallon of ripe elderberries and use a heat pad you will have a medium wine for next xmas (better the year after) Wine yeasts will ferment to a greater concentration of ethanol than the others and therefore keep going a lot longer.
  15. Don't feed anything until they are free swimming. Microworm is OK but brine shrimp nuplii is better. They are best in a bare bottom tank because you can more easily keep track of how much you are feeding.
  16. They get darker at about 10 years of age.
  17. I have one that size with a four footer in there so two would be my thought.
  18. They frequently eat the lot. They can't eat any if you remove them.
  19. I take them out within days of them being free swimming.
  20. It will be dropsy. The swelling is a sign of fluid retention caused by kidney failure which can be caused by a number of things.
  21. Have you sewn the pockets for your undies yet?
  22. If you can keep them alive for the first 2-3 weeks you are usually away after that.
  23. Check everthing carefully before you act. Make sure the job is redundant and not you.
  24. The problem is that there are a few people who are atracted to the idea that something is very rare or ilegal or both and they have to have it. If you stop the market you stop the problem ---but human nature being what it is.....
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