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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  2. I don't think it is even known how they breed. They filter out and live on microbes, that is why you need to be careful where you take mussels from to eat because they are full of bacteria and better not to have bad bugs if you are going to eat them.
  3. Airfares,rego and accommodation booked.
  4. There probably are a lot of exotic reptiles in NZ but a lot may not be legal in private hands. Why would you want to have Maf come around and destroy your expensive exotic pets like has happened to many people already.
  5. They generally do ferment with that type of media. The commercial ones use agar agar to make a firm media and a presevative to prevent fermentation and mould growth. If the flies are OK --no problem.
  6. The problem with freshwater muscles is that they are taken from the wild, live on tiny microbes in the water, filter massive amounts of water and basically starve to death because they run out of food. It is unlikely that there would be enough food in that tank to properly support one. They will polute your tank very quickly when they die.
  7. They can have some large spawnings. The biggest I had was 1226
  8. Welcome and enjoy your time here. Nice tank.
  9. I must be a pro. Mrs google is not God's mother in law. If you want to send them to me I will eat them and save the waste.
  10. That picture is of a death cap. You can see the remains of the cap at the top of the stalk. Yours do not have that.
  11. The bought ones are so unrelated that they cannot cross with the wild ones.
  12. Green water, egg yolk or liquifry untill big enough to get on to microworm and brineshrimp nuplii. They need a shallow tank and warm air above the water.They seem to grow at different rates no matter how well you feed them so you need a lot of tanks and sort them out into lots that are the same size.
  13. They will "swarm" when ready. The whole lot will up and shoal at the same time. That means they have consumed the yolksac and are looking for food. I used to raise them in a bare tank with a sponge filter and feed mainly live brineshrimp nupli otherwise most of the food ends up in the gravel and rots. I also used a small pilot light to attract the brineshrimp to one location and to keep them feeding at night.
  14. A lot of plants will form a carpet (Rotala rotundifolia, H. polysperma etc). One way to do it is to get the plants established individually then bend them over and bury the top so the whole plant is accross the media and it will then send up a lot of vertical branches and reroot into the media. You still have to trim and replant as they grow.
  15. If they are pink or brown underneath and they peal I eat them. I had some this morning, from the park over the road, for breakfast that look identical
  16. They will probably free themselves from the rock but still not be free swimming. Don't feed them till they are up and about. Then you feed them every time you walk past the tank and do a water change on the way back.
  17. Sodium chloride (common salt) will not alter pH or hardness. Seawater may contain calcium or magnesium ions which will raise the hardness.
  18. Baby angels are large enough to go straight on to brineshrimp nuplii and microworm but do not feed them until the "swarm" (are free swimming) as they are still feeding on the yolksac till then.
  19. Love the plant, did you get it from erma?
  20. We got a good shake but no damage. There can't be a lot of things falling off things if they are still on the floor from the last one. Water in the tanks was sloshing a bit but stayed in the tanks as I dropped the water levals after the 6.3.
  21. Making a profit can be very difficult or very easy depending on what you think of wealth being.
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