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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. How is the ship you pinched it from?
  2. UV is important but one of the main problems (other than diet) that we see down here is them being kept in enclosures with lids that seal in the moisture so they can't dry their shells out.
  3. There are a few beardie breeders on here. My female is starting to look like a bag of marbles so hopefully will have some eggs soon. Probably (with any luck) babies after xmas.
  4. You will need either tight fitting lids or well trained non jumpers from Wok
  5. But we all know where the weather forecasters are going don't we?
  6. I think they should give black belts to the all blacks rather than black shirts---they get more injuries than people doing martial arts.
  7. There is another predictor that will never get to heaven now. Me, I have made an application for the place next door as they assured me they haven't run out of virgins yet and I have now developed a taste for Middle Eastern food. Got a bit cold out there close to midnight but well worth the experience. Wow their coffee is strong.
  8. It is getting a bit cooler by the mosque now. I wish this shake would get it over with.
  9. I am too scared to go home so I will have to stay here by the mosque till midnight. I am picking up a bit of Arabic so not a waste of time.
  10. I remember throwing some over the fence and into the school swimming pool. Great idea but didn't calculate on the chlorine.
  11. I am OK I am standing right next to the mosque.
  12. Send a PM to Donna she has a number of large ponds with heaps of turtles in them.
  13. Mother nature is pretty cool they say. Frost kills the bugs.
  14. They will all be black eyed but carrying the albino gene.
  15. Butynol liners would be more expensive but a lot stronger.
  16. Pigs are not quiet or suble either. We had a small pig farmer whose neighbour didn't think he should keep pigs even if he was in the country and use to complain regularly to the Council. His reply was to mate a pair of pigs right next to neighbour's house at 7am every Sunday morning. He eventually got the idea.
  17. Unfortunately it would cost a bit for a house visit down this way.
  18. It is all statistics. You can be 85% sure that you are 95% right 87% of the time. Lies,damn lies and statistics
  19. If this is only a Christian thing I might go stand by the mosque on the 28th. Nice view of Hagley Park and a friend lives next door so handy for coffee while waiting.
  20. They pick up these predictions in mental institutions and they are all true. That is proven by the fact that all the real experts who are paid because of what they know will assure you that earthquakes cannot be predicted. Signed President of shakey land.
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