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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. When growing out young discus many people have bare tanks and do daily 50% water changes
  2. fertilizing plants and growing out discus are not compatable.
  3. Millimeters (about 3 ft by 18inches by 18inches).
  4. Just stay away from my breeders. There are some on trademe.
  5. I wouldn't want to breed enough ants to feed one.
  6. But only approved for marine or freshwater tropicals--not plants.
  7. African Grey Parrots---mensa types.
  8. When growing plants emersed I use 50/50 growlux and soft white. There are plenty of combinations that will work and it just becomes a matter of personal preference.
  9. Thats the right stuff
  10. Mbd can also be caused by feeding foods (usually the wrong greens) that can block the utilisation of calcium
  11. I don't think you will get it from a pet shop. A very strong oxidizing agent good for making bombs and processing class A drugs. I think it might be used as an animal treatment--horses I think
  12. What are you doing to get the barthii that red? It used to be called double red but it has never been red like that for me. Lovely plant.
  13. I haven't come accross any matai floor boards around this way--heart rimu, black tawai and kauri. Matai was used for window sills and door steps around here.
  14. There are plenty of houses being demolished that are built from rimu which is not treated, and plenty being repaired from leaky old pinus that is not treated.
  15. I have a set up like that and have not had a problem with fish getting skittish. It will be because it is a bare tank and they are breeding (mine was well planted). Put paper or something over the bit where they see you but be careful when you go to have a sneaky look. They can bahave like they are on "P" when breeding sometimes.
  16. Or water, or sewerage for weeks. We like ours because we can cook on it as well with no power. LPG is dearer than electricity. Easy to get wood--you just start chopping up the neighbouring houses.
  17. When they first came out there was a rush to install them and the next year there was a rush to remove them because the fans made a lot of noise. I understand they have now improved that but I still don't like the fact that they need power to run the fans so no power no fire. They do throw a lot of heat. I and a friend are in the process of splittng a logging truck and trailer of logs for the log fire. That warms you twice.
  18. I have a cage outside which I put them in to in the summer when it is warm and instead of basking in the sun they usually try to hide in the shade.
  19. They are better looking with their gear on
  20. I was given some seeds from a vietnamese lady and they were very little and very hot. Trouble was it took an awful lot to make a bottle of sauce.
  21. With beardies being Strain they need some assistance. Many do not recognise standing water so I put them in a plastic container and feed them crickets (they can be bity little darlins) then when consumed I spray them with warm water and let them sit for about 20 minutes. This prevents them from getting dehydrated.
  22. In most cases nitrate is not a problem and in my view the consistant conditions created by an automated water change system are a big advantage. Most problems are caused by rapid and large changes to water chemistry so you need to do very regular and reasonably sized water changes to avoid that.
  23. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  24. We are the same down here. In a glasshouse would be OK. I grew a few different sorts but then found I could get a one pound jar of pickled Tai chillis for a few dollars.
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