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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The first is an unwanted organism and the second is not Nitella
  2. They are the same idea---just a heat source rather than a bulb that gives off light as well.
  3. The water must be pretty healthy to support that sort of life. Point out to the council that it would be way cheaper to maintain that quality than to try and fix it once the water is nackered. They always love to point out to the ratepayers how they are saving money.
  4. I understand there are catfish in lake ellesmere (Te Waihora) but not sure what sort.
  5. alanmin4304


    Why would they if they are unwanted organisms?
  6. I check the garden most mornings for my cat fix--then go fix it with the shovel
  7. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  8. Promise not to bite your head off, but I have thermostats on all my enclosures for beardies and leps. Pretty hard to control the temperature without them. A better way than just having a thermostat would be the temperature controllers they have overseas which give a daytime temperature and then a nightime temperature but I have not seen them here. I imagine they would not be cheap.
  9. There are a few tricks with growing Heteranthera zoesterafolia (stargrass). It applies to some other plants such as Rotala rotundifolia as well: Stargrass needs a lot of light to stay nice and green and the tips usually only get enough so the rest below that will often turn black or grow rank. Trim the tip and replant as suggested. Or, Trim the tip and replant then trim the remainder and compost but leave the stem and roots as it will reshoot. Or, bend the whole pland over and cover it with the media (apart from the tip) and it will throw a heap of vertical shoots. Or, Pull the whole plant and trim and replant the tip. Set up a plant pot with potting mix and place all the old roots and discarded stalks on top then cover lightly with potting mix and keep warm and moist. You will soon have that many plants to trim off and plant and sell on trademe you wont know what to do with them.
  10. That could be my problem--must get a bigger house.
  11. "Without getting too technical:"Ammonia is soluble in water and forms ammonium when in solution. This exists in equilibrium (which means in plain English -with a kiwi accent, that they will both exist at the same time but the ratio of each will depend on the pH). Only ammonia is toxic but some test kits will test both.
  12. You may do. The problem is the next generation--you wont know which fish is carrying the recessive gene and which are straight
  13. What smiley face? I can only see the naked woman.
  14. They are what grandad used and they worked for some plants. That is after they ran out of candles
  15. As above=a colour morh--will cross breed. Depends what genes are dominant but probably get normals split to goldens. Breed then to each other and you should get some of each.
  16. You should remember that getting a high mark in an IQ test is absolute proof that you can get a high mark in that IQ test. It tells nothing about you fish keeping skills or much else. You have an agressive way of posting and that seems to be stirring some people up a bit. We can all learn from each other if we stick to the rules and post in a friendly manner.
  17. That would be no problem for a frog. They can be pretty good at eating their own siblings. I had an albino that only had the feet of another frog hanging from its mouth when I rescued it.
  18. If you have a constant source of heat and varying ambients your temperatures will fluctuate. I use light bulbs as a heat source for breeding insects and I need to change bulbs from 25 to 40 to 60 watt depending on the time of year and varying ambients.
  19. Agree with above. I have thermostats on all mine. Used those dimmer type things on trademe for a while but I found them to be pretty useless.
  20. Looks like Callitriche stagnalis
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