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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. If it was a hexamite infection (hole in the head) I would expect white stringy excreta as a sign also as the fish tries to get rid of the gut infection by producing slime. There seems to be some scarring on the head perhaps from previous mild infections of whatever it is.
  2. I agree but it is the relationship that is the problem I think. Too much nitrate can be a problem as well. The balance is the thing and a lot of ferts without light or carbon means it will not be used by plants and algae can take advantage. He is talking about heavy ferts with micronutrients,CO2, and good light. Nitrate is less of a problem than phoshate.
  3. It is often caused by an excess of phoshate over nitrate. The phoshate usually arrives from too much or the wrong type of food. Some people suggest to add nitrate but increinges total macro ferts is not much use without CO2 and good light. Removing the phoshate with water changes and reducing the feeding or changing the food could be the answer. Then blackout to give it a hard time.
  4. Be carefull that the wood from next door is not treated as it will poison your fish.
  5. alanmin4304

    Mary Ann

    Welcome, I am sure you will enjoy your time here.
  6. In a recent survey carried out over NZ with various reptiles including turtles the turtles were shown to be less infected with salmonella than many of the lizards. Down this way many native lizards are infected as are sparrows and many household pets. It may be a good lesson for the children that they should wash their hands carefully after handling pets just as they do before eating food. In over 30 years of investigating notifiable infectious diseases such as salmonellosis I have never come accross a case of salmonallosis caught from turtles. That is not to say that it is not possible or has not happened. Mine were tested and came up negative but the problem with testing them is that they can be intermittent excreters. Thorough hand washing is the answer I think. MRSH.
  7. I love the way you have included the wood into the background and constructed the waterfall.
  8. Charcoal and bbq go well in the same sentence.
  9. alanmin4304


    Thanks for trying with the pics---took me a while to figure it out.
  10. I think nigripinis has gone. as have the choc australe. Have sent a pm with the details of someone down here breeding australe gold and they are the better coloured variety.
  11. Guppies are not the easiest fish to keep.
  12. Thats rubbish as far as I know. Try to get them to a good size with lots of good food and good water conditions before breeding them. They do well on live food. Blackworms, white worms, daphnia, bloodworms etc.
  13. That would take all the fun out of it.
  14. They are way better fish and very saleable. I developed them the hard way and bred the many years ago. They have a double blusher (stripeless) gene and a double gold gene. They will breed true and are good lookers when young ans sold. A better price and better fish.
  15. They are dreaming. Those fish are rubish and I wouldn't breed from them. They have a mix of genes there and not ones you would want No veil tail One has a single striped gene and the other a single marble gene. My guess is that they are a mixture from a normal, marble and blusher. Get better ones than that and at a better price.
  16. They are just protecting their spawning area and later the eggs in it. 5-6 is good to get a pair but the pair is best on their own once sorted
  17. I am thinking that if you put other fish in a tank with breeding angels they will get munted. Set up a seperate tank for the breeding angels. I had a tank about that size where I put a cave each end and two pairs of kribs. The area between the two caves became the war zone.
  18. If you start with a pair or if you have a number growing on they will get very protective when they decide to breed. I would keep the angels on their own and have another tank ready to remove the pair to if you have more than the one pair. Marble veiltails would be fine to start with. Remember that the genes are in pairs so you want to sort out what genes you have in the breeders so you know what you are going to get in offspring. Double blacks (two black genes) are week but the others are about the same as the marbles. The veiltales can have two genes as well. I used to breed angels with one pair in a 600x300x300mm bare tank and hang a slate near the surface. When they spawn hatch them in a small tank with an airstone and only feed them when they are free swimming. Buy all the tanks you can afford because they will spawn every 10 to 14 days if you feed them well.
  19. You wont know if the albinos will breed pure until they have young. I would keep them seperate in another tank and keep any albino offspring that they have. Any that are not albino will carry the gene and could be kept seperate again.
  20. I had M. quadrifolia years ago so it may still be around. I have not seen minuta. I you are buying H. micranthemoides emersed make sure it is not umbrosum as a lot of that is mislabelled in the nurseries and it is only good for a terrarium. The leaves are a different shape.
  21. The tenellus you have looks like tenellus tenellus which is the finer variety but needs a lot of light and ferts to do well. E tenellus latifolius would do better in that setup.
  22. They are great little animals and lots of fun but remember to wash your hands as many of them carry salmonella.
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