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  • Location
    Ngahinapouri, Waikato
  • About You
    animals, animals and more animals

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. We have some baby bettas and were wondering what the best thing is to feed them etc. We purchased some young ones that are about 6 weeks younger than ours and they are twice the size of ours. We are wondering what we might be doing wrong. Thanks
  2. Hi thanks for that. I wasnt expecting to breed so fast. Had 2 girls and got a boy about 3 weeks ago, put in a container a week later for them hopefully to lay there eggs in and before I knew it the male was in there looking after the eggs.
  3. Hi, my bristle nose have hatched some eggs. What do I feed the fry or do they fend for themselves. :bounce:
  4. 700 is width so that I can give them a bit more area and I thought 400 should be high enough for the little darlings. No my green severum is not in with my electric blue cichlids yet. He is being very well behaved in my main tank and has neve eaten any of my smaller fish. Plus my cichlid tank is a bit to small at the moment. If someone could give me some names and numbers for tank builders in Auckland as well would be great Thanks Cherie
  5. I am looking for some info on who builds tanks in Hamilton as I would like to get one made for my cichlids 1200 x 700 x 400
  6. Hi is the club meeting this sunday night 5th March at Link House still and what time is it. Thanks :lol:
  7. Hi I would like to attend the monthly meetings so that I can learn lots of you others. As it is a long weekend this week is there a meeting on this sunday night or will it be held next sunday night the 12th Feb
  8. Cherie

    Hi all

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. When I can get some pictures I will post them but for some strange reason my main tank has turned a nice murky green colour. Just did a water change. I think it may be my lights as I only had two bulbs on in it as the other 4 had blown and now I have all 6 working again (this fool has 4 children as well as a large assortment of animals so sometimes the money is a bit thin on the ground). So I will try and alternate which lights I have on and do another water change in a few days time
  9. Cherie

    Hi all

    Hi everyone, I started with a little 65 litre tank about 5 years ago when my husband (fool) went out and got the heater, filter and light for it. The novice that I was went and bought what ever fish I thought was pretty at the time wether they were compatable or not with the majority actually serving and the occasional baby fish turning up from my swordtails. My two bristlenose cat fish were even nice enough to produce babies(they promptly died not long after but I still have there baby). As it goes I wanted a bigger fish tank. My huband went shopping again(by himself and I think this was a bit dangerous but I am not complaining about the result) I ended up with a very big tank which holds 500 litres(this was twice the size of the one I was considering buying). I don't know who had more fun filling this tank with fish, me or my husband. We had a few losses. My philosiphy was the same if its pretty buy it. This worked for a while until I purchased 4 cichlids. In a very short time all my neons dissappeared, along with a swordtail and a few other fish, so they got fished out of there in a hurry and put into the origanal tank. Also my large tank seems to attract fish from friends when they get to big for there tanks or they don't want them anymore. One which has been in there for about 6 months which I only just discovered what it is is a Green Severum which is quite large but is quit placid and doesn't eat my other fish (lucky for me and it). I now have a cichlid tank with electric blues, and my original tank is home to about 50 baby swordtails, 5 baby electric blues and 10 baby guppies. So as you can see I am hooked and the tanks are starting to take over my house. I keep having to rearrange the furniture. I look forward to learning lots from you other fish addicts out there.
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