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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Then I suggest not getting any cichlids...
  2. Hi Pippin, I started of with the basic's, you can always get into something more fancy when you feel comfortable with what your cichlids. I've got Electric Yellow's, Demasoni's, Brown Haplochromis, Red Top Ice Blues, Snow White's, Electric Blue's. Changed over from having Discus, African's are such fun to watch, so active.
  3. Fish bins from the warehouse are always a good option as an emergency set up :-) Depending on how BIGGGGGG your fish are of course lol
  4. Gorgeous work :bounce: Well done on such beautiful specimems
  5. Usually hold for around 3 weeks, you can strip them if you want to, alot of you tube video's on this, fairly easy to do, can then pop fry into a breeding tank :-) Good Luck :bounce:
  6. Was awful, I was in the Pet Shop in Paraparaumu, the lady there grabbed me and pushed me into the doorway. Water sloshing everywhere from the Tanks, things falling off the shelves. Certainly was a good shake :fshi:
  7. Haha Ira :gpo2: Hehe Caryl :iag: Too Funny :lol:
  8. 89crwreck: Wish I didn't have to write this thread, I to am paranoid about my 980 cracking :-(
  9. I would think this would be unrepairable. The tank has cracked about an inch in from the base on the right hand side, crack runs around the corner to about half an inch in to the top of the side of the tank. dattofish: Problem is I have house insurance but not contents insurance, ended a 27yr marriage and basically left with nothing, so had nothing to insure, untill now being a few months later where I have finally built up enough contents to insure. So claiming insurance is out of the question
  10. Not sure how they can be resealed Karina, they have rounded corners. I thought it would have been safer moving the tank while still on the stand as it then wouldn't be twisted in anyway. Have read a few replies on here saying a good way to move a tank is to slide it onto a good thick piece of MDF or something thick so the tank doesn't have any movement when it is actually being moved, hence the reason why I moved them while still on the stands. Anyway now have the dilemma of what to do with the broken tank, apparently the recycling centre won't take them.
  11. Hmmmm Feeling nervous right now :facepalm: :facepalm: Really don't need to be going through that again. Wonder if it's to do with the curved corners, maybe this is weakening the glass.
  12. I also have a 980 tank, holy not wanting to go through all that again :facepalm: :an!gry
  13. I made sure the tank was moved while still sitting on the stand, which is how I also moved my AR980, and that one seems to be fine at this stage.
  14. Only have a few Neons and Corys left now. Have no idea how or why it cracked, I wasn't here.
  15. Just going through a marriage break up (27yrs), hence the reason for the move, got house insurance but contents completely slipped my mind, considering I basically moved out with nothing so had nothing to insure anyway. Have slowly built up what I have over the past couple of months, thanks to Trade Me :-) So an insurance claim is out of the question :-( until now. Thanks for your thoughts peeps, it's very much appreciated.
  16. Had a phone call from one of my sons on Sunday to say my fish tank in the family room (AR 620T) was leaking. Lost around 110 litres all over the floor, rung Chemdry to come and do a clean up, 2 hours later he arrives as he was on another job. Sucks up as much water as he can, rips up carpet, cuts out soaking underlay to take back to depot and dry out, now have big heaters and dehumidifiers going, feel like I'm in a noisy fan bake oven. Got to deal with this until Wednesday, then carpet will be relaid and cleaned. Apparently going to cost me around $1000 for clean up. Lost 90% of my fish too :-( Gutted. Have only been in my new place for a couple of months, both my AR620T and my AR980 were moved while still on their factory built stands. Not sure where to go from here, from what I have read on here insurance companies really don't want to have anything to do with it anyway so guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and pay the bill. Any thoughts would be appreciated re contacting Aqua One or Animates where I bought the tank from a couple of years ago.
  17. Can't you get the fish couriered to you??
  18. Try changing your tank around, then they will need to resort their pecking order.
  19. I would say it's just from having your filter turned off then turning it back on, it should clear pretty quickly :thup:
  20. Awesome work :thup: So, I'm guessing you will need a descent photo of my Boy, is there anything in particular I need to be aware of when taking this photo to make your job a little easier?? Casper is a Samoyed
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