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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Like Sharn says, probably a runt or not been look after while they are baby. Have suffer disease while young and all the possible causes stated by Sharn. Ron
  2. what fish are you keeping and why do you want to lower the PH. The phos acid is ok to use.
  3. Buy a pump, a UV (if you don't want green water). Get a bucket or container and drill 2 hole(1 on bottom, 1 on top) for inlet and outlet. fill the bucket with filter wool to trape dirt and dead algea .
  4. Paint the stand and the problem is solved. Ron
  5. Agree with Alan, if you're not experience in using it you can easily kill all your fry. Make sure you make a lot of waterchanges. Best to change water an hour after feeding so not to pollute the water and kill the fry. Try BBS instead. What fry are you feeding? ron
  6. unless youve got multiple set ups you wont often notice an increase unless you have the tank in a really cold place and the heater is on all the time. Are you talking about me?? lol ron
  7. Hey Gaza, nice to hear from you and glad the BD are doing well. Post some pictures of you fish. Ron
  8. Hey buddy, Thanks for posting the photos. You are right about the blue and leopard. I took it to see whether you can spot it lol. Look like you haven't forgoten. Ron
  9. You'll have to do alot of water changes and feedings to grow them to their full potentials . IME it's very hard to maintain the water quality in a planted tank because of the heavy feeding to pump the discus up. Fully grown discus in a planted tank is the better way to go cos you don't have to feed that much. Keep us updated on the discus. Ron
  10. Some more pictures http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n314/ronnie-discus/DSCF0044.jpg
  11. My collection of spotted discus.
  12. Nice discus, like the leopards (spoted fish are my favorite). How big are the fish and the tank they are in? Ron
  13. also how long have you have your fish, were they introduce to the tank at the same time, how big are they? Ron
  14. Hey Jettin, I suppose your exam is over and hope you come through with flying colours. Write me an open cheque and i'll fly home to hand pick them for you and personally deliver them to you. How's that for service or build me a quarantine room and you get it for free :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Nice to see you posting again. Ron
  15. Yep, if you're into discus don't follow the book. If you need any advice you're better off posting it here and there'll be heaps of people with first hand experience here that will be more than willing to help you out. Ron
  16. Why do you want to lower your PH to 6.5? I would leave it at what ever PH itis as long as it's stable. Once you starts to adjust the ph you will get a lot of swing which will stress the discus. The ph will start to come down after you add the fish to the tank due to the bio load. Getting a container to age and degas the water for waterchanges is a good idea. Like Sharn pointed out, put a bag of peat in the storage container to lower the ph of the tap water. Add an airstone to it to disperse the clorine and gasses.bring the temp of the water close to the tank temp by puting a heater in. That way you minimise the stress on the fish when doing waterchanges. Ron
  17. Nice pattern. What are the parents? ron
  18. one is no good, at least two. should be ok to stay in there with all the other fish. ron
  19. Thanks Luke! You know you guys always get the best discus from me. :bounce: Ron
  20. Half a dozen loaches will do the job pretty smartly. That the time I finish doing waterchanges lol. Ron
  21. Look like the fish settle in well.
  22. be careful when treating with copper cos it can be lethal if the PH is not right. Treat the plants when you buy them before they go in the tank. Safer to stay with loaches. ron
  23. Clean PB always look nice Luke! Can't see anything in that fish that is feakish lol. Hey Ben, how's thing? Ron
  24. Is the white butterfly from rod? Not bad looking at all. Ron
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