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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Hi Joel, Welcome!! Ron
  2. You need to set up a breeding tank for them to be by themselve. Bare bottom (no gravel) , a sponge filter and temp set to 28 deg. You can put a cone in for them to spawn on if you want. That way you can leave them with their parents when they go free swimming. They will feed on the parents slime coating for the first couple of weeks, after that you will have to feed them brineshrimp so they will grow. I start feeding them newly hatch brineshrimp 5 days after they go free swimming.HTH Ronnie
  3. It is now. Must be time to upgrade the PC.lol. Thanks, Ronnie
  4. anyone know what happen to the photo I posted? Thanks, Ron
  5. Discusguru


    How big is your baby discus, how many,where did you get them from(perhap you could ring him/her up for advice), how long have you had them, are they eating , scraping, dark, cuddle in a corner, hiding, floating near the surface, are they in BB tank or planted, what is the temp, PH, ammonia reading, what are you feeding them, how often, what strain are they? If you can supply some more info that will help us to figure out whats wrong with them. Here are some tips for people that are new to discus keeping & buying : Baby discus are quite hard to raise provided you know what you're doing. Always best to get discus from reputable and reliable source and at a decent size. When buying them ask as much questions as you can and write down things that you might forget (eg. medication for treating sick discus) Post a pic if you can. Ronnie
  6. Hey Lucca, the fish is looking stunning. Keep pumping them up and you'll end up with some nice round fish. Cheers, Ronnie
  7. Quote : gotta learn lots bout your fish to take good care of them .... or write a book about fish keeping Ron
  8. Hi ljtan55, quote:Heh heh can't wait planning stages almost complete, bank account is gonna look pretty empty sometime over the next couple of weeks, but I'm gonna be a happy broke fishowner . Well you'll just have to extract a few more teeth , lol Ronnie
  9. Hey Brent, Welcome to the forum. Was wondering when you're going to start posting.
  10. Hey Sharn, Feeding the fish is the easy part. The hard part comes later (waterchange)LOL Ron PS : How's the fish settling in?
  11. I'll PM you later. Got to go feed the fish.
  12. Try using a straw to blow into your tank. It will be quite as a mouse and the only sound you hear is your own heavy breathing. Stop breathing at the same time and there is dead silient. LMAO Ron
  13. Discusguru


    To pick between the two, i'll go for the $40 heater. ron
  14. Tell your vet to ring the vet at Jensen in auckland.Dose I use are 400mg per 40ltrs water. Increase temp to 33 deg. Treat it for 5 days redosing every 24hrs after waterchange. Ron
  15. Have to agree with Sharn, if you are going for discus buy the biggest tank that you can afford and a good filter. Ronnie
  16. I had a planted discus tank that had gone completely green (pea soup) before. I chuck in a couple of white square of algea block and in 4 days it cleared up completely. Open up the canister filter and the sopnge inside was completely green (dead algea). Give it a good wash with tank water and it hasn't happen since. It doesn't seem to affect the discus or the plants (swords). Not sure whether it'll affect the bristlenose. ron
  17. Discusguru


    I prefer the Fluval Tronic glass one cos they are reliable and accurate. They cost more than $40.00 retail. Ronnie
  18. by putting 4 little discus with 4 fully grown in a same tank the small one might not get their fair share of food and might be bullied by the big one thereby causing stress. It is better to grow them up in another tank (barebottom) with plenty of feeding and waterchange daily. When they are big enough to compete for food you can put them together. Is the tank they are in a planted tank? If so you have to treat them in a hospital tank so you can increase the temp to 33 degrees with an airstone inside. Ron
  19. How many ltrs of water in your tank, how many fish and how big are they? I'll PM you when I get your reply to see whether I have enough. Ron
  20. Have you got any Metro Tablet? If yes treat your fish with it. If your fish is still eating put it in the food. Dissolved it with a bit of water and soak your food in it for 5 min then feed it to your fish. Or crush it up and put it in the tank. 1 tab for 40 ltrs water. Redose after 24 hrs after a 25% waterchange for 5 days. Increase your temp to 33 deg. You can get the metro from the vet or your GP. Hope that help. Ron
  21. not for the lounge . It can handle 36 tanks. I'm using one of them and for the money you're paying I wouldn't complaint(sp) about the noise. Cheers, Ron
  22. Discusguru

    cat wormer?

    Hi Sharn, Is it Praziquantel that you are talking about? Ron
  23. Hey Luke, can you tell me where this door is please !!!LOL I don't mind the heat at all. Hi Stompa, hope your fish recover. Ron
  24. How big are your discus and are they in planted tank? What was the PH before you put the phos remover in? How long did it take to rise to PH8? What was the Ph in the tank that you set up to put them in? Abit more info is needed in order to access the situation better. Ron
  25. I use liquid prazi for worming my discus.Does not contain the other ingredients found in dog wormer and the water stays crystal clear At the same time it fix the fluke if there is any around (one stone kill two birds). If you do your waterchange and quarantine new fish you should be able to keep the flukes under control. Ron
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