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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. The setup look nice and spacious Paul! :bounce: Are they eating yet? Glad I didn't dissapoint you. ron
  2. I measured it so 70mm should be fine. My bracing is 200mm but I drill 2 hole on it at about 65mm from side of tank. As for the noise, it's in the cabinet so can't hear a thing. You could always wear ear muffs or plugs lol. ron
  3. Hi Sharn, you should be alright. Just measured the thing and it is at least 80mm. ron
  4. BBS, then daphnia and crushed flakes, homemade food (blended) and held together by gellatin. ron
  5. It doesn't matter, as long as it's not over 85watts you should be fine. ron
  6. totally agree with fishboi on that. You will get alot of deform fish. ron
  7. Nice pair of ram Freakyfish. ron
  8. Yes, get it from a vet. I just recently treated my 600 ltrs planted tank with 6 tablets of ERA tablet and everything cleared up within 2 days. Only use 1 treatment and the BGA never return. ron
  9. Neons and swords will not be happy in the high temp. As for the discus I would hit it with prazi and metro at the same time. Which part of Auckland are you in? ron
  10. Changing the water is to get rid of whatever toxic stuff that is in the tank. If the tank is established it shouldn't go through a cycle again. The bacterial is on the surface of things like glass, filters, gravels, rocks...... They are not free swimming. Keeping the PH and WATER TEMP the same is the key to big waterchanges. I change 50 - 100% of water everyday and my hundreds of discus are all still alive and swimming happily. Stripping the tank will definately get rid of all the available bacterial and start the cycle again. ron
  11. Have you tested for Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate and what is the reading. I would do a big waterchange (90%) for a start follow by a daily 50% waterchange . Make sure that the PH and TEMP of the new water is similar to what is in the tank. ron
  12. just a change of environment. Try to fill the breeding tank with water from the com tank and putting the tank in a place with the least traffic help them settle in better. You just have to let them get use to the BB tank. ron
  13. The heater that work best and most reliable for me is Tronic. Jager for me is very Unreliable and cause me a lot of losses. The biggest one is when the jager in my breeding tank of Red Leopard pair with 200 frys don't shut off. Cooking the whole tank of fishes. Water get inside the heater too easily. ron
  14. You're better off removing the pair to a breeding tank. As soon as you remove the injured discus another one will take it's place. There will always be fighting when you have a pair spawning in the com tank. ron
  15. I think it's Aqua one (CF1200). ron
  16. If you're not feeding your discus numerous times a day and doing waterchanges, don't expect the discus to grow much. If your main aim is to grow the discus, my advice is to feed your fish as many time as possible (little bit at a time) and waterchange at least every second day. The plant serve no purpose in a grow out tank for discus. Ron
  17. An arowana with all the small fish swimming around it will be a good sight :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: ron
  18. Ok, thanks guys for the help. fishboi, a big thank you for the picture. Might set up the co2 system in the weekend. Cheers, ron
  19. interesting piece. are you sure this is not the kit for mad scienctist When I first saw it, I thought it was for smoking dope Thanks Plantman. fishboi..., no it wasn't on the top shelf and yes it's got a ceremic disc. Lucky me . Cheers, ron
  20. Thanks Blue, and before I forget thank you for the plants. Don't quite get the drift. Can you draw it on a piece of paper, snap a shot and post it please? Do you mean the opening on the bell faces downward? Man! am I dumb or what lol. Cheers, ron
  21. I saw these two pack sitting on the shelf in goldfish pagoda and made him an offer. I thought it would come in handy since i'm starting a planted tank for my big discus. No idea how to hook it up and Patrick doesn't know either. Thanks fishboi! Anyone else got any idea how it's suppose to hook up? Do I need both of them or only one? Cheers, ron
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