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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Thanks adodge. Lost both the males :oops: Just as well this batch of babies are doing well. ron
  2. Will sell when they are bigger. Will ship it . ron
  3. Here's some updated photos red crowntail platinum halfmoon double tail platinum halfmoon red crowntail showing good crowning cheers, ron
  4. You can get it from fish shop. Better to treat it in a tank of it's own to save on med cost. Smaller tank = less med = less $$. Depend how far gone the fish is. How big is it. How many discus do you have. Not advisable to keep 1 discus. They do better in group of 6 or more. ron
  5. I would do a waterchange straight away. What other fish is in with it? You can put it in a hospital tank if you got one and treat it with Furan2. What temp do you keep your discus in? ron
  6. Good job Luke, keep up the good work. ron
  7. If in doubt always do a water change. You can give the fish a salt bath which will gentle. ron
  8. So may i ask who is the next club planning to hold the next one, the Waikato club will help out in anyway possible. The more shows we have the better for our hobby.
  9. Well done to the organiser and everyone that help out. Not forgetting those that paticipated and supported the show. Hope we can get more people into the hobby of fish keeping. Congratulation to Paul Billarney for winning Best In Show with his beautiful Blue Ram. Cheers, ron
  10. yes there is and they cost an arm and a leg. The one I got cost me $1200.00 and is made in Japan. Had it for 10 years now and is still quiet sitting on a 6 inch shelve without moving. Can easily run 50 tanks. ron
  11. Hi Nikki, Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy yourself here and gain /share some knowledge of fishkeeping too. ron
  12. He pinch my avatar (photo of my leopard snake skin). Change your avatar discusboy so you don't confuse people. lol ron
  13. Do Not mix medication unless you know what you're doing. PP don't go with Furan2. Just let the Furan2 do it's thing. ron
  14. The nasties in bloodworms are they carry the the worms that look like this $$$$. lol. I feed 4-5 packs each day. If anyone can get live tubiflex worm please let me know. Just need a culture and don't mind where it come from. Cheers, ron
  15. Nitrite and nitrate are totally different. High nitrite can wipe all your fish out. It can only be coverted to nitrate by bacterial. High nitrate can be diluted by waterchange. Never wash filter material in tap water. Always do it in a bucket of tank water. ron
  16. Life isn't complete without hassle and risk. Things we do everyday are surrounded with risk. Adding one more risk is not going to make a difference lol. ron
  17. 400mg per 40 ltrs water daily after a 50% water change for 5-10 days. Increase temp to 33 deg. with plenty of airation in tank.Use similar temp water and treated water for wc. hth, ron
  18. Congratulations Ryan and Steph :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Like Wok says, nine more to go lol. Now less waterchange and more nappy change :bounce: :bounce: ron
  19. "I'll try Billaney, hes got lots of females..... " Don't let Mrs Billaney know, lol ron
  20. White crowntail, cool :bounce: , don't forget to post a pic. Where are you getting it from? As for the girls, i have half a dozen in with mine and they seems ok. ron
  21. girlfriends and lots of them :bounce: ron
  22. Hi BK, I don't go by dosage on PP. I go with the colour. Make up a stock solution with 1 tsp crystal pp to 120ml water (or just a small bottle) and shake till disolved. Wipe tank clean and do a 100% wc (make sure you have the amount of aged water with similar water parameter and temp). Fill tank back up and drip pp into the tank till tank water turns slightly darker then pink. You have to have a lot of airation in tank . Observed the fish for at least half an hr to make sure that they are not stressed (darting aimlessly, floating , lying on side....) If colour changes to brownish before an hr, drip abit more pp in. You can treat the fish for at least an hr or leave them overnight. Always have water on standby just incase you need to do a wc or have some hydrogen peroxide on hand to neutralise the pp. That is how I do it. hth, ron hth
  23. Start charging them carbon emission tax and they will stop the deforestation lol ron
  24. The frys will be dying from flukes ( 99%) if there is 0 ammonia reading. Nothing to do with soft or hard water IMO. Treating it with metro is totally wrong ans the dosage is a bit too strong. Metro is used when the fish is not eating and or pooing white fluffy poo. Dosage I use are 1 tab (400mg) per 40 ltrs water daily after a 50% water before redose for 5 days. Increase the temp to 33 deg. Water used for WC are the same temp as tank to avoid more stress. In your case I would do a big (100% if possible) water change and treat with prazi or PP if you know what you're doing. HTH, ron
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