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Could this be a sign of things to come?

David R

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http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/artic ... d=10840408

Biosecurity officers have raided the Auckland Botanic Gardens, apparently looking for an exotic relation to the kauri tree that may have been illegally introduced to the country.

The homes of the gardens' curator, Jack Hobbs, and veteran Albany ecologist Graeme Platt were also targeted by Ministry of Primary Industries staff in simultaneous raids just after dawn on Thursday.

Officers were believed to be looking for evidence of agathis silbae, an exotic member of the kauri tree family native to several Pacific islands.


Officers would not tell him what they were looking for, but Platt, 71, believed it was evidence of agathis silbae. The tree cannot be brought into New Zealand because it was not in the country before a 1997 law banned new plant imports.

But Platt said the tree was here before 1997 under a different name, agathis macrophylla.

It had two names because New York botanist John Silba mistakenly thought he had discovered a new species and named it after himself.

"This clown has named it after himself, but it's the same as the agathis macrophylla. (The ministry) have even called the raids Operation Silbae, for a non-existent tree due to one idiot in New York."

The tree was no threat and fears it could cross with native kauri were wrong because a hybrid could never wipe out the original, Platt said.

I'm just looking at my tank full of Geophagus altifrons, which aren't technically on the list, and wondering when the cops are going to pull into my driveway.

Could this article be the catalyst we need to get some changes made to the way the import of foreign species of plant/fish are handled?

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I just can't fathom that they wouldn't check for synonyms before launching a raid for a supposed illegal species. :facepalm:

It does make you wonder about the implications for our hobby though, the number of incorrectly identified species that manage to find their way in....

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All well and good , no need to point that out as it works in our favour.

Exactly, thats the problem. Say nothing and put up with the current system and its "flaws" that work in our favour, or inform them of those flaws and propose a better system and run the risk of either it being accepted or rejected in favour of a total ban or tighter restrictions...

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i am afraid it does not work that way, MAf want to reduce the fish coming in. give them a inch and they will take the whole 9 yards,

i think i am in a good position to know how it all works. nothing is easy when working with MAF.

fixing the flaws will stuff up getting in some species. i am sure that is not what you will want.

I added the L number to the allowable list so change it and it will be the end as there will be more bureaucracy to deal with.

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That is exactly what I am concerned about, they would be looking for any excuse to dump fish importing in the too hard basket and ban or restrict it further.

I'm surprised they let you add something without a valid species name, wonder if they even realise.....

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