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My 450ltr Tank


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Bit of an update, been battling algae for the last few weeks :an!gry - stopped dosing ferts and replaced the bulbs in my lights and it is finally dying back :happy1:

Not sure when I will start dosing ferts again as it hasn't seemed to have any negative impact on the plants yet, still early days though I guess. I will go with the EI dosing method when I do though.

Just pulled out all of the fast growing plants like ambulia and rotala as I got sick of trimming these twice weekly, water became so dirty I put in an extra internal filter to help clean it up.

I will definitely be going to get some MH lights soon though as the dwarf sag isn't really spreading much, it's just growing up towards the lights, I am also in the process of deciding whether to set up sump filtration as the 2 canister filters I am running just don't seem to be cutting it mechanical filtration wise. I think I also need to buy some wavemakers to up the flow around some dead areas of the tank.

I seemed to have lost a few neons and 1 Apistogramma Trifasciata somewhere along the way which sucks, lucky I have quite a good collection of apistos to replace them with now thanks to Danval. I will also be swapping the pair of Trifasciata that are in there for the pair of Apistogramma Cockatoos that I have been growing out in another tank so the tri's have a chance to breed in their own tank.

Here's a new pic of the latest layout, been changed a couple of times in the last few days as I just can't seem to figure out what is missing;



Sorry once again for the crap quality photo, I really need to learn how to take better quality ones!

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Organism should have both of those so just give John an email and he will probably be able to send them to you :D

The tank is looking awesome by the way :hail: Can't wait to see the pair of cockatoos go in there! :happy2:

Thanks guys, quite a bit of work (not to mention $$$$) so far and still not happy with it :slfg:

Cockatoos will be going in sometime in the next few days, have to use their tank for the pair of trifasciata that have just started breeding :nilly: - just slowly bringing their tank temp up to 29c, the same as the discus tank.

The pair of large discus are still frequently spawning in here as I still haven't set up a separate tank for them yet, will probably sort this out after xmas now.

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•The breeder must be a financial member of an affiliated club at the time of spawning.

•The breeding year will be for fish qualifying from 1 April to 31 March inclusive.

• A point will be awarded for breeding 10 fish and keeping them for 30 days.

•Hatching date is date fry are first seen free swimming.

•Qualifying date is 30 days after hatching.

•Spawnings are to be witnessed by another financial FNZAS member. (Rule amended conference 2006).

•Spawning must be registered not later than 60 days after hatching date on the FNZAS registration form.

•The breeder is to have possession of both parents at the time of spawning.

•These rules apply to both the Breeding and Rebreeding Schemes.

•A rebreeding is a respawning of a species that the breeder has previously registered.

•The FNZAS breeding coordinator is not eligible to enter either the breeding or rebreeding competitions but may register spawnings towards pins.

•The FNZAS National executive will rule on any disputes and their decision will be binding


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Cyperus is relatively easy to grow. As long as it has root fertilization and decent lighting it will be fine. Just don't disturb it/move it around too much. Cyptocoryne balansae is easier to care for, but I wouldn't rule out Cyperus helferi altogether.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally just set up the mh lights, already impressed with the difference especially the "ripple" effect, plants are pearling like crazy. One thing I have noticed though is it doesn't seem to be as bright as my T5HO lights, is this normal?

Does anybody have any C. Helferi for sale?

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One thing I have noticed though is it doesn't seem to be as bright as my T5HO lights, is this normal?

Were your plants pearling like crazy with the T5s? If not then it would seem they are brighter. Color temp makes a huge difference in apparent brightness, along with light positioning. Further towards the back will appear dimmer than towards the front.

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