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Red arowana Red light to enhance colour


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im currently having an argument about red arowanas and how in asia, they put red red lights to enhance the red ness. so basically orange becomes dkar orange, and dark orange becomes red so on and so on.

this is on arofanatics.com

i seem to be getting attacked cos i dont share the views they have lol

i prefer aros under white and more neutral light

http://www.arofanatics.com/forums/showt ... 215&page=3

check out the photos on the bottom of this page.

tell me your opinion.

do you think that when they turn off the red 'nan' light (which clearly is so red that it even colours the bubbles and the water itself)

the REDNESS will step down a few shades?

i think so, and experience from my red arcadia tanning light, it does.

i cheekily requested from that guy white and neutral light photos lol

that way, i can see the different

my bet - he wont post it up.

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yeah he may not have white light....

wait, a supplier of fish.. no white light? :D lol

no, they do, they use it to show 'better colour'

hence why i ask every single photo poster for a white light pic.

i am not putting down the fish, i just want to see the real colour!

its misleading i think.

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:dunno: I cant help myself

arguing... when someone attacks my point, i cant help but argue. especially when I believe they are not making sense or providing a full picture of their point or rationale. Rational debates are healthy....

but, my problem is, i cant stop myself, and when someone gets a little heavy handed....... i tend to escalate....

i guess that was my own undoing :slfg:

I am banned form arofanatics.com.....

shame, but i guess, what it demonstrates is that website does not take about the input of other people.

during the entire saga, i received numerous private messaes of support but urging me to stop - largely cos of what will come after... which i just found out.

its a shame, seems the singaporean mafia that is in charge of that website, mainly vendors or having interest with farms took over and banned me.

I just find, i like MFK and this forum, and planet catfish because people tend to be science driven, logical, rational and actually able to handle criticism.

AF has one big problem, its driven and regulated by old guys with old views, any new views...put down - very asian thing. Thats probably why they still eat 'urine eggs' in china... anyways i digrss:D

Lesson learnt?:

....................... i dont know, did i learn something?


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Well if you bring that discussion over here you might get banned here too! :wink:

I know you like a "harty" discussion but you did call a guy stupid :slfg:

He started it man! !drool:

I never in any instance attack first and draw first blood:D

but yes, it was out of hand

I am having that discussion over here...

we are having it now, abou the red light, but i am not being personally attacked, its quite an amicable discussion, tame really.

i guess its a cultural thing, not country and racial but "hobby culture"

thats my new buzz word


lets start using it:D

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Having read some of the posts on that forum (must admit got a bit bored of reading the same thing over and over), I have decided that they were right Henward. in fact, they aren't taking it far enough. I thought about ways of improving the colour of my africans. I do have a blue bulb on the tank currently, but this is not enough. I tried painting some of them with poster paint, but the results weren't very good. I have now decided to make lycra "suits" for my fish. this way I will have some of the most brightly coloured peacocks the world has ever seen. better still I can have multiple "outfits" for my fish so I can change their colours as my mood changes. i can't wait for the prestige to come flooding in as people see my fluorescent purple and pink demasonis. perhaps even glow in the dark synodontis. after all this is just my high quality grooming that is resulting in brightly coloured fish, not unnatural or deceptive at all.

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Having read some of the posts on that forum (must admit got a bit bored of reading the same thing over and over), I have decided that they were right Henward. in fact, they aren't taking it far enough. I thought about ways of improving the colour of my africans. I do have a blue bulb on the tank currently, but this is not enough. I tried painting some of them with poster paint, but the results weren't very good. I have now decided to make lycra "suits" for my fish. this way I will have some of the most brightly coloured peacocks the world has ever seen. better still I can have multiple "outfits" for my fish so I can change their colours as my mood changes. i can't wait for the prestige to come flooding in as people see my fluorescent purple and pink demasonis. perhaps even glow in the dark synodontis. after all this is just my high quality grooming that is resulting in brightly coloured fish, not unnatural or deceptive at all.

LOL :sml1:

I was thinking, those colour change rocks, you can make a sort of armor suit for your fish! so.... when your mood changes, you just touch the tank and the fish change too:D

look at this,s orry, i cant help myself, the more i look into it the more it astonishes me

http://www.arofanatics.com/forums/showt ... p?t=493413

and they tell me its not misleading?

anyways, yeah i got bored, but not at the same time, what can i say.... i think i am a natural debater:D

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Can I post in that thread asking for a vid under a white bulb? :sml1:

Edit, even a jardini would look red under those lights

No, you stand corrected, a jardinii wouldnt look red in those likes, it would look SUPER DUPER RED:D

i reckon you should sign up and post it, i dare ya:D

they will think you are me!

it seems that the last and few white light lovers are gone lol

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A powerglo would make the reds glow too...

to a degree.

but not anywhere close.

aqua glo more so i reckon. powerglo as as much.

but yes, to a degree, there is no TRUE white light. well, reptile bulbs are.

im gonna use a reptile bulb as a replacement for my tanning light.

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No, you stand corrected, a jardinii wouldnt look red in those likes, it would look SUPER DUPER RED:D

i reckon you should sign up and post it, i dare ya:D

they will think you are me!

it seems that the last and few white light lovers are gone lol


Org of img here http://www.aquariumdomain.com/viewSpeciesNWCichlid.php?id=53

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I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and at the end of the day it's whatever the owner of the fish/aquarium enjoys more as its a personal preference. My tastes have changed a lot since I got into fish keeping (I hate that term) some of the things I thought were cool back then I think are horrible now and its only been 2 years haha.

PS that red Aro is horrible :slfg: ( just my opinion please don't be offended)


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i agree with henward here i cant stand pics taken of africans under blue light to sell them it changes the whole ball game.natural light or white light is best for showing a true representation of their natural colors i use blue lights in my tanks but thats for show displays

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Wow, love that jardinii, its like... a hybrid... super red jar!

i will call it, strawberry jam jar:D

Indeed they are taken under specialist lighting.

I am not disputing peoles preference should be allowed, i was merely voicing my opinion. that it is misleading.

as zuri puts it.

you buy it, if you are a novice,and you see it under the normal light or sunlight or room light, you WILL be disappointed.

i figured it out.

its a marketing thing

i find aro owners there buy and sell frequently cos they dont 'end up with the prime' specimen.

thats cos the pics they see are altered.

so they keep the market going this way.

its a 'goal' to attain those colours and 99% will never do.

its actually ingenious.

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