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Best personality fish?


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Which fish do you think has the best personality?

Our picks:

1. Clown Loach

2. Discus

3. Platty

4. Female Siamese Fighter

Varies hugely by individual, and what you mean by "Best Personality",but in my experience it tends to be the bigger SA cichlids. Best I've had was severums, had the most individuality and behavior.

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I used to have a lovely golden angelfish (although it outgrew the tank I had it in) and it had a wonderful personlality. I hand-fed it almost every day with various dry food and whiteworms, and it knew when I was coming to the tank and it would always come up to the surface wanting food. I've also found that dwarf cichlids and emperor tetras have excellent personalities.

Edit: Bristlenoses have great characters too :thup: I miss mine - they just randomly died :(

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I have to agree 100 % with that.....oscars have extremelly unique personalities....my big one likes to relax and my small one liks stealing all of the food !!!

+1, but i did have a male blue turq discus, that was so funny, he would try and attack the office chair, every time it rolled past he would go nuts, and i ofcourse took avantage of him, testing the wheels on the chair :lol: :slfg: :rotf:

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giant gourami for the win

+1 my pink one i had before he pass away of 10 years.. i can hand feed pat..but any one eles

come up two his tank he whould go nuts at them ..cat or dog..as so as they left he whould come back for a pat again.

one cool fish..ive got a red tail to replace him..i hope he has the same attitude... :happy1:

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I love loaches. I have kubotai, histrionic and striata at the moment and seriously considering a little team of chain loaches if I can fit them in and get some at a good price. They've got lots of personality. Corydoras are cute too although cN be quite shy, freezing if they notice you watching them LOL.

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I would like to say Arowana as I love those but they really are not as interactive as others I have had. So i would have to say jaguar, jack dempsey, siamese fighter, giant gourami, red devil, in that order. Oscars are pretty cool too! I must have kept close to a hundred species of fish over the years both personally and at work. Big puffers are by far the most interactive and can be taught to swim in particular rotations and squirt water at you to get food so they probably are the best if you can get one.I have had heaps of cool big fish and rare ones and many which cannot be kept at home but am still drawn back to the humble goldfish which is still one of my favourites.

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On a whim i bought a 8cm red tail gourami which my daughter calls 'Bubbles.

Bubbles is now 30cm and growing and will probably be the last fish i would sell if i had to sell my fish .

Moody , coy, agro, friendly, - a true character

Definitely put me down as another on the giant gourami list- I've kept plenty of fish with character but none with personality like them.

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