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woo hoo welldone the McRuddies 6.gif

this site hints at reclassification this year http://www.stroodaquarist.co.uk/page931.html

now I know why HFF calls them Emerald Dwarf Rasbora. Much more romantic and Wizard of Ozzy

and in other news I was informed that the previous information was given in error, they are after all danio erythromicron. So Joe was right after all, and as usual :slfg:

and in more news one of my said new fish is FAT, I hope that means new fry sometime soon.

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woo hoo welldone the McRuddies 6.gif

and in other news I was informed that the previous information was given in error, they are after all danio erythromicron. So Joe was right after all, and as usual :slfg:

and in more news one of my said new fish is FAT, I hope that means new fry sometime soon.

:roll: :slfg:

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Good day today, up at 8 stained the decks (only took 3 hours :roll: + another 3 hours to finish the water blasting) then went for lunch and a scooter with my mate, and off to the river tomorrow and to top it all off I just won an auction for a wireless Bluetooth keyboard; maybe this will help fix my typos :lol:

:yaw1: good night everyone

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I biked to my mum's and back - 6km each way, but stopped for lunch between journeys. I am still not in top gear (or is it bottom?) and not up to speed but the past week is the first time I have been able to ride my bike in 5 months :happy2:

The council has put in $70,000 cycle lanes since I was biking last. They only cover about 200m of one road and in a place they are not needed :roll:

Went to Nelson to overseas father in law's move to a rest home. He is not a happy chappy to lose his independence at 91 &c:ry

Also visited rheumatologist and Grant is on a new drug regime. Here's hoping this one works without the side effects of previous attempts :tears:

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Christmas is sooooo boring :roll: The only thing about it that I enjoy is the food :thup: I helped make a trifle today, and I made truffles a couple of days ago, and mum made fruit mince pies, fruit cake and walnut biscuits !drool:

I find it very frustrating when I turn on the TV and there's nothing but stupid Christmas movies :x

I'm looking forward to my new plants which are coming - Anubias barteri var. nana, Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine' and Microsorum pteropus 'Needle Leaf' (the proper stuff, not narrow leaf) :happy2:

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