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Yeah, yeah smarty pants. I Bet you looked that up :)

lol, me or Squirt :P? I used to find NCEA so annoying, esp since were were one of the first years to be using it and some teachers continued to mark by ABC or percentage. Now that I've been to uni I've found that the ABC system can actually be worse depending where you go and what papers you do. Different universities, different departments and different percentages convert to different ABC values which in turn do different things to your GPA. I have friends who did medicine, telling me that it seemed much harder to get A's in some Arts papers they tired. Even if the content is easier, since the marking it's so subjective to the marker, it can be difficult to get the higher marks. Now I kinda wish that the uni marking systems were as clear as NCEA about what your are getting marks on, now you don't even get assessment papers back unless if you pay to request them sent back, and even then you don't get the kind of feedback you'd have gotten in school.

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Is it unreasonable to have the turtle cleaning gear under the turtle tank now mum? It's only been there for like 6 years you know about as long as we've lived in this house.... :an!gry

Mums are good like that.

Though, You can be as un-reasonable as you like when you own your own house... In the mean time, play nice,smile, and think that one day you get to choose the rest home... :thup:

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I don't like playing nice when the rules are bent :an!gry she said I can have any size tank outside.... Pay back time :sage:

Sounds like its time to get a swimming pool and make it a fish tank. Then you could go Snorkling with ur Fishies! :thup:

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In other news, this evening I did a feed, then a little while later a water change and moved the male rasbora in with the females in the breeding tank and then left them to it. This one has the marbles in the bottom so hopefully I get some fry from this experiment. Also found I still have 5 celestial pearl danio fry in the grow out tank which also makes me exceeeedingly happy. Their golden pearls arrived yesterday and so far all the little fish are excited to eat it. I took a video of some yesterday but photobucket wouldn't upload it.

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Staring at my grumpy kitty cat. She does not like her catcage or going for a drive to get vaccinations. So to top her bad day I added a microchipping too, she is following me around like a little tail giving me this horrible grumpy look all the time. Took a pic to show you guys :wink:


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Oh yeah, that is a good cat glare. So where are you sleeping tonight in case she want's to exact some revenge? :nilly:

LOL that is the funny thing, she is following me around like a little puppy, lying on top of me, giving me lots of purrs and love but as soon as I say : "hello mommies girl" then she gives me this glare LOL So I think I should be ok, well lets hope I will :-?

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