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What is NZ culture? It is a mixture of a whole range of cultures and always has been. Even the original imigrants to NZ brought with them bits of all the cultures they came in contact with as they gradually migrated here from where they originated from in Asia. The European cultures including those from eastern Europe may have been here for many generations since they came here for kauri gum or the Asians for gold. All these cultures try to retain their culture as we would if we went to their country. NZ culture is therefore a blend of a whole range of cultures including Asian culture but these people are so thick that they think we are all flag waving poms.

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Hey people. Thanks for all your kind words and I have gotten over the matter by ignoring it. He still makes me mad though. :an!gry :evil: On an unrelated topic do you think pumice is aquarium safe(after it has been boiled bleached ect)? :thup:

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everybody's entitled to an opinion, without freedom of speech we're no better than a dictatorship, in my opinion you're more of a nazi than kyle chapman if you think he shouldn't be allowed to speak his mind

I see where he's coming from when it comes to assimilation but maybe he should be trying to encourage cultures to get along instead of slamming them and labelling it an invasion.. that's just a step backwards

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There will never be a war between Asia and NZ because of that guy... He has the right to say things, this doesn’t make it correct tho...

I have no problem with people coming to NZ, as long as they are needed - not coming in to replace someone who is already working here, or come over to get money from the government.

I have a heap of Asian friends and they are a very good bunch of people, they do some things different. But in the world these days if you cant tolerate another person because of their race alone that is very sad indeed... And gives very little hope...

I admit I can be intolerant of people, but not for what colour they are - for the choices, actions and values they have.

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Hey thanks for all the replies guys! Yeah I also believe it's not what a person looks like is the things they do how they act ect. I'm not too sure about the whole dictator thing though but it makes me angry how John key goes 800k over a budget! :an!gry I mean that 800k could've for to chch or a really big fish tank :D

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They always pick on people who look different but don't worry about those that look the same even if they do not speak english or wish to "assimilate".

They talk of sending them back to where they came from even if they are fifth generation New Zealanders. Basically they would be better off if they engaged their brain. He thinks everyone in the world should look and behave like him, and what sort of a world would that be?

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putting them on tv is giving them more attention but it is bringing people's awareness up

I think this is really the crux of the matter, tv needs ratings. The best way to get them is to put people with ridiculously crazy viewpoints on and give them validity by interviewing them on tv.

This is the tv media messing with your head. There are crazy,racist, nasty people out there everywhere, but in the real world there wouldn't be many people that would give them the time of day. Unfortunately TV will.

Don't forget there are a lot more nice, normal, non-racist people than there are nutbars.

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What I find irritating is the Asian 'protest the Right Wing Resistance' groups that have formed in response to it. Although not everyone that joined had the same sentiments, a lot of the people there are almost as bad. Most comments were either threats or people 'liking' the kind of threats people were making about that group. One thing I did discover from there though is the RWR website, which is worse than the interview really. One thing that really irked me is how the Kyle Chapman guy said that the Asian Studies lecturer that was interviewed with him on the new could "barely speak English", that's the attitude then no wonder people don't try to assimilate! Learning another language is not easy, especially for adults. They usually lose the ability to register foreign syllables, like my father, he cannot actually hear the difference in "nine" and "line".

Also one thing that some of you have mentioned here that I don't completely agree with is that Kyle Chapman should be entitled to freedom of speech no matter what he says. While what he says in the interview was somewhat tolerable in my point of view - not everyone has to like the idea of allowing so many Asians to immigrate into the Country - but I do think there should be a limit, and the flyers are really nearing it imo.

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Also one thing that some of you have mentioned here that I don't completely agree with is that Kyle Chapman should be entitled to freedom of speech no matter what he says. While what he says in the interview was somewhat tolerable in my point of view - not everyone has to like the idea of allowing so many Asians to immigrate into the Country - but I do think there should be a limit, and the flyers are really nearing it imo.

I think you should sit down and have a long and hard think about what freedom of speech really means.

It is perhaps THE most essential part of a free society. And yes if you stand up and say a bunch of crazy things you better be prepared for the reaction it causes and the consequences it has but first of all you must be allowed to stand up and say it!

Just to be clear, I am not on anyone's side here (except freedom of speech's side :wink: )

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I know what it means, but there isn't actually a complete freedom of speech now anyway. There are many things that can be said that can get you arrested or prosecuted. Eg. issues regarding confidentiality, harrasment, threats, fraud, things that are simply illegal "eg. saying that you murdered someone", or heck even offending a cop. Now I'm not exactly well versed in law, so there are probably many other things that are punishable when said.

Just because there is freedom of speech doesn't mean all things SHOULD go completely without punishment. Just as Terms and Conditions or contracts do not override existing laws, eg. a contract is not legally binding when it involves allowing one side to do something illegal. In the same way. I don't think Freedom of Speech for one person should override the rights of others. In many countries, there a limitations to Freedom of Speech too. This isn't a research paper so I'm just going to wiki it :P:

- Harm Principle

- Offense Principle

- Hate Speech

Hate Speech is the most relevant here in regards to Kyle Chapman and here is what wiki says of New Zealand's law on hate speech.

New Zealand prohibits hate speech under the Human Rights Act 1993. Section 61 (Racial Disharmony) makes it unlawful to publish or distribute "threatening, abusive, or insulting...matter or words likely to excite hostility against or bring into contempt any group of persons...on the ground of the colour, race, or ethnic or national or ethnic origins of that group of persons." Section 131 (Inciting Racial Disharmony) lists offences for which "racial disharmony" creates liability.

Laws are mostly a bit open to interpretation, and Kyle's posters could certainly be interpreted as insulting. In terms of his interview, I'd say he has managed fairly well in keeping out of trouble as he was apparently targeting "communists" rather than Asians, but his posters certainly go a bit beyond that, which is why I said I think it's coming a bit close to what I think the limit should be.

He is entitled to opinions, eg. to say he does not like the increasing number of Asian immigrants, or that immigrants are not assimilating, but to start calling it an 'Asian Invasion' and distributing in the more Asian districts qualifies as inciting racial disharmony to me. He says he was targeting wealthy areas, but this is really doubtful when one of the areas targeted was certainly not wealthy, and there are many wealthy areas in Auckland that were not targeted. I'm basically saying that in my personal opinion, he should be entitled to opinion, but not to intentionally stir offence for the sake of racial disharmony.

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I understand where you are coming from (and to be clear I don’t agree with anything that nut job has to say), the only way he got on TV was because of the interest/irritation it would cause = more viewers.

But I do believe that freedom of speech is extremely important and that limitations are a very dangerous way to go... As soon as this happens it will get built upon and built upon - and who decides what people can and can’t say???

This has happened far too many times in history and many people have fought long and hard to keep such freedoms.

You do get morons who talk crap, and if what they say is damaging or threatening, then yes something should be done...

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One of the problems with morons like him is that there are other morons out there that belief what he is saying. Why do you think some politicians use the "race card?" We profess to be non racist but you don't have to dig too deep to find it in most of us.

To be honest I find a lot of Non-Asians in the country at least partially agree with some of the points he's raised, just not his extremist ways.While I agree if very hard to find someone who's not racist at all, one redeeming quality is that most people can be swayed. I've talked with some people who have been considered quite racist before, to the point where his extended family warned me about him. But after talking with him, he seemed to agree not all Asians are bad, and ended up talking to me for a good half of the night about other things too :lol:.

BTW melrick1 as nice as "Freedom of Speech" sounds on paper, I'm saying that complete freedom of speech doesn't exist, and I'm quite certain it never has. We, and every country in the world with freedom of speech all have limitations including USA. While I do think there is such a thing as going too far (eg. China's Censorship), you can't assume that it'll mean more and more limitations, just as I can't assume Kyle Chapman will become the New Zealand Hitler :facepalm:. Sometimes what people can and can't say SHOULD be controlled, such as false advertising or fraud. I'm sure even you will agree that those should remain illegal.

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