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Everything posted by Brewerchch

  1. everybody's entitled to an opinion, without freedom of speech we're no better than a dictatorship, in my opinion you're more of a nazi than kyle chapman if you think he shouldn't be allowed to speak his mind I see where he's coming from when it comes to assimilation but maybe he should be trying to encourage cultures to get along instead of slamming them and labelling it an invasion.. that's just a step backwards
  2. I would be jumping for joy if somebody who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of new zealanders was killed, i can see where the americans are coming from. I guess we'll never know if it were actually possible to take him alive as opposed to killing him :dunno:
  3. yeah jones is an animal haha light-heavyweight just got interesting again haha
  4. anybody see john jones vs shogun? didn't see that coming
  5. I smoke cigarettes (and always get hell for it) but it doesn't work out too hard for me, I've just got to train harder lol. last doctors visit i had showed my lung capacity is still far above average so when i quit before end of year competition i should be in great shape then. obviously i dont recommend smoking it's just not that easy of a habit to give up, especially with the earth constantly moving beneath me :lol:
  6. Most karate besides kyokushin is a joke for real fighting (ie lyoto machida). I found it to be a good stepping stone to go into other martial arts from though. I have to disagree on judo being a joke though, i prefer greco roman grapping to judo as judo relies so heavily on the gi, but i train with two judo blackbelts regularly and i wouldn't dream of picking a fight with them. once you learn to adapt judo technique to overhooks/underhooks instead of gi it can be very devastating. I dont think japanese jiu jitsu is superior to BJJ at all though, BJJ has been proven time after time for years to be far better adapted to MMA, 10th planet jiu jitsu is specifically built around no-gi grappling for example. I would personally say Wing chun and other kung fu styles are a joke. martial arts like that really are more of an art than an effective fighting style, the only way any of them can work is if you're fighting somebody of the same or similar style, or like as you said, devote your whole like to it which is why nobody ever uses them as a part of mixed martial arts training, it's simply not worth it.( With regards to strength and conditioning, i think it's important to train smart, everybody has a different style and it's important to train right for your style (eg a striker would train for explosive power as opposed to a grappler training for strength.) I couldn't have put that better myself
  7. some kyokushin guys are training at my dojo at the moment, theirs was destroyed in the earthquake. i started with karate (go kan ryu and seido) when i was a kid then moved on to boxing for a couple of years and trained a bit with the new zealand olympic team coach, gave up on that and trained systema for a couple of months then muay thai for a while. i enjoy grappling alot more now, getting punched in the face constantly gets pretty old after a while
  8. ah good another fan I do a mixed martial arts class twice a week based around kickboxing and judo.. and 3 brazilian jiu jitsu classes per week, i prefer jiu jitsu groundfighting over judo anyday. training with team UMAF (ultimate martial arts fighting) and AXIS gracie jiu jitsu. security work can be good grappling practice too :lol: yeah i like cro cop, some disappointing fights lately tho ie gabriel gonzaga, pat barry.. we've got our own kiwi ufc star now James Te Huna http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Te-Huna
  9. anybody on here enjoy watching or training in mixed martial arts? you know, UFC type stuff
  10. hi all was wondering if anybody attending had any spare used filter media i could nab??
  11. I've kept my turtle with a 3 spot gourami about 2 inches long for a couple of months now, He helps cleanup the mess the turtle makes while eating. Turtle seems to ignore the gourami as if it's not even there most of the time. He has however munched up a couple of pleco's, a swordtail and a loach. I think if you started keeping your turtle with fish since it was young, and keep it well fed then it could possibly live with fish.. untill it gets hungry enough
  12. thanks myself and my partner actually just sent away a membership form and paid the membership for totally tanked just a couple of days ago actually. we'd be keen on coming along, will pm to get details
  13. hi all, i was wondering how you would go about cleaning the sand in a tank, i'm assuming a gravel vac would just suck it up? :dunno: thanks
  14. damn :facepalm: thanks for the help
  15. hi there, my name is nick and i'm from christchurch born and bred. i'm a security guard so i work nights mainly, therefore i've got alot of time during the days to tinker around with my setups. I started a few months ago with a baby RES turtle (who probably would've had a fall and been squashed in the earthquake had i not been crouched in front of the tank when it hit) and since then i've purchased a 200liter tank and am starting to make it into a freshwater tropical community tank. Also looking into getting a bearded dragon sometime in the near future. nice to meet you all
  16. does anybody have first hand experience of the temperment of dwarf puffers? wanting to put one in my community tank but i got told they can be quite aggressive
  17. going to be a community tank. loaches, barbs, tetras etc with a few live plants, rocks, driftwood and such
  18. just got a new 200L aquarium, i was told a double 15watt light would be sufficient but just wanting another opinion Thanks
  19. Brewerchch


    so are there no shops in christchurch stocking fresh water ghost shrimps? I've also been looking for them for quite a while
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