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Fay's Reef Tank


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nice tank

it is a pity you don't post and help our other members in the Saltwater section

Thank you for your kind comment

Reason I post my tank is to share with people interested in marines.

I don't use words as certain people copy and past what I have to say about my tank onto another marine site then make a joke out of it, sad I know I would love to help people on here!!

I will give helping ago, thanks for the encouragement.

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We welcome all fish keepers here and as long as they follow the rules we are happy for them to post. If a person then PMs members encouraging them to join their own site we are not impressed but this has happened in the past and seems to be a practise followed by some. We often recommend other dedicated marine sites to those having trouble with their saltwater set-ups.

We are not a marine dedicated site so welcome any advice from experienced salties.

We also love to see pics of their fish and set ups.

We do not like to see other people abused and I do not care what goes on in other forums.

If you do not have something nice or constructive to say about whatever is posted then keep your opinions to yourself please.

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I have been a memeber here for a wee while and I have kept fish for longer than I dare recall and whilst sometimes some people are upset by what is posted here we are generally a not to bad bunch of people even if I do have a sucky sense of humor and my spelling is horific.

With this in mind what you post is your opinon...nothing more nothing less...and you are welcome to it. As far as I am concerned ...not having kept marines EVER...your tank and your dedication to it are stunning. Welcome to the forums proper and I for one would be interested to learn how you got to where you are now, for you to share your experiences and well if your advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt (get it) then so be it. We all need that sometimes. Feel free to post with in the rules and I hope that you make as many bloody good friends as I have by being here.


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this is one of the coolest tanks i've ever seen. it is a credit to your obvious knowledge and dedication. i would say you are lucky to have a tank like this in your house, but i know that luck has very little to do with it. loving each and every photo and looking forward to the updates

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Thanks so much for the encouragement I have taken it all on board, yes I to have made some wonderful friends during the course of starting marines eight years ago :wave:

FNZAS was the first forum I joined back then with a little nano tank I have read and learned to get where I am now with the help of many marine people, for the last couple of years I have been trying to return some of that knowledge.

I must say that the freshwater tanks on this forum are wonderful a credit to you all :hail:

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