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School is back!


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Good on you myfishybusiness, and everyone else who enjoys school.

For those who don't enjoy school due to 'social' reasons (read: bullying, harassment, popular groups etc). Have a look into the It Gets Better Project www.itgetsbetterproject.com It is mostly aimed at GLBT teens who are struggling at school, but the sentiment is broadly valid:

School is a crazy time, the other kids can be vicious, but stick with it as the moment you graduate you leave the bullies behind and it really truly does get better.

Whoever came up with the idea that school is the best years of your life was an idiot.

Realising that those bullies are now life's losers and that there are communities of people just like you out there in the real world is an amazing feeling. :)

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Whoever came up with the idea that school is the best years of your life was an idiot.

Realising that those bullies are now life's losers and that there are communities of people just like you out there in the real world is an amazing feeling. :)

I've never agreed with the best years of your life thing but it's a whole bunch more enjoyable than working. :sick: Haha.

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I started last thursday.

Was a little excited to get back. Get to see everybody, lots of "study" - AKA do nothing - periods, and lunch time leave.

Apart from that, school is boring as per usual. If only school started an hour later. The extra sleep in would make it so much more enjoyable.

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I kind of wish we had different schooling hours here, Rarotonga for example starts at like 6:30 an finishes at around 2, France actually have Wednesday off which is cool. I like to have an afternoon to do whatever - vegetate in front of tank. :roll:

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My Kids sTarted School onTuesday.

One is starting Intermediate this year, and has to lug around a Laptop. and has to catch the bus to and from school. (all new experiences for him)

The other is now a senior at primary school and is enjoying it without big brother around.

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Just spent an inordinate amount of time durasealing books for Miss Nine - I used to be really good at this, but my skills are deteriorating, either that or the duraseal is getting thinner and becoming harder to apply neatly :-?

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My brother is still in high school hes in 5th form (2-3 years behind me), says all the new 3rd formers were trying to look as metro as possible with their flat beaked caps, dyed ratties and big skate shoes :lol: haha. My old school has super strict uniform codes; hair cannot touch the collar or cover the face, no dyed hair, no piercings, shirt tucked in always, socks up etc etc. My dad demonstrated some sort of sadistic pleasure in imagining the new kids getting kicked into line :lol:. It was fun sometimes being a prefect, I emulated scariness to 3rd formers 8)

Just spent an inordinate amount of time durasealing books for Miss Nine - I used to be really good at this, but my skills are deteriorating, either that or the duraseal is getting thinner and becoming harder to apply neatly :-?

Haha, my mum used to do that for me every year until college.

Started back for my last year (13) on Wed at 11am. Its been okay so far, but as the year drags out I bet its going to get worse, got the tourism 10 night south paciffic cruise to look forward to in June !! xD

Its the fastest year for sure, and HEAPS harder to maintain motivation for exams :roll:

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Just spent an inordinate amount of time durasealing books for Miss Nine - I used to be really good at this, but my skills are deteriorating, either that or the duraseal is getting thinner and becoming harder to apply neatly :-?

Mm yeah, my Mum's getting bad at it too :P

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