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Thanks to the people who have emailed me images. It is greatly appreciated.

Aponogetons. Who has them. We need some photos.

Still on look out for images of Twisted Val and Indian fern(emersed and Submersed)


Also Pond plants. This site is not just about keeping things in a glass tank. Images of common marginal/pond plants are needed also.

The Database is coming along quite nicely. I think most will be very happy when the end product is shown.

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I think I have Indian fern (a Ceratopteris pteroides or C thalictroides) growing emersed and submersed but it is in a tank where the water is darkly stained from the driftwood so I might have to move it to get a clear pic.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please people.

We still have no images for the following

Aponogeton rigidifolia

Indian fern

Aponogeton crispus


Java Moss(have some but need more)

Xmas Moss

And any other plant you have that you can think of. If you are not sure then click the email tab at the bottom of this post and email me.

Remember, you will get full recognition for any images you provide.

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Hi Supasi

Please can you flick me an email ajdodge at orcon.net.nz so I can send you through some pictures of some of the plants you are looking for by bouncing the email back to you.. My keypad is not working properly due to a cup of tea drowning it last week so I can not put in the at symbol for your email address and I can not email you through the forum.

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Finally divided up my Aponogeton Rigidifolius the other day, nearly a metre long. The babys went to Organism. Will try to get picture of what I kept, depending on how the photography goes :) .

Hey Supasi, you get my PM?

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Email them to me and ill put them up in the plant committee section.


No, this will then make the resolution smaller.

So when the final cropping etc is done it makes it a very low res picture.

Email them to me if possible

Finally divided up my Aponogeton Rigidifolius the other day, nearly a metre long. The babys went to Organism. Will try to get picture of what I kept, depending on how the photography goes :) .

Hey Supasi, you get my PM?

Yes I got your PM, Sorry I forgot to reply. I am fine.

Adrienne, I will email you now.


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Ok, now that people can see what I have been doing, I would like to ask Zev if I can borrow her pointy stick and wave it around while asking for a few more images.

Here is the database so far. Please, please, bear in mind it is still not complete and I am working on it still.


If anyone has images of Red barclaya, close ups of some sword leaves( Not just any, I need to know what they are) Submersed Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia , close ups of Cabomba, Red lotus, Banana Plant.

Please :smln:

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  • 2 weeks later...

A good close up shot would be nice, we have one but it is taken from quite a distance away, especially if it shows how many leaves are at each node, which is how you determine if it is cabomba or ambulia

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  • 5 months later...

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