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I honestly do belive a lot of what is written on here

Get real people

Prices are set by demand

2.5% is added onto the account at the end of the sale!

Save your money and dont pay any GST

In a tight market do you really belive anyone can afford to crib a bit when chances are their compeditors wont be?

Yes, because Chch has had a "few" problems, they may well try to get a bit extra but the market will simply not allow any extras

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Yeah, 7cents per litre.

Not much on the average tank of gas. It certainly didn't get me out the house just to fill up on gas! :D

Use a supermarket voucher, get 4cents off (or more) and hedge against the 7 cent rise. :lol:

That makes it a 3 cent rise, which is definitely not worth worrying about. :lol:

Next year, when interest rates rise and the yeild curve starts climbing up again; that will be a fun period. It's a big fat cycle.

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I'm more annoyed at the extra amount of work I'd have to be doing at my job. We're already backed up as hell, I had to spend an hour in unpaid overtime to try and finish a whole lot of invoices before tomorrow's GST rise. Plus we're not changing our prices, but my work is changing how we're calculating any customer discounts, which means a whole lot on extra maths for every single item we try and discount. More steps = higher chance of human error, and increasing the occurances of wrong pricing, and more angry bosses/mangers/customers about such wrong prices.

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See, when you have to do simple calculations many many times over, it's not about mathematics skill. 'x/1.15*discount' yea it's simple maths, but when you have to do it 1000 times over to many different things in a day, chances are you'll get 1 or 2 wrong. Now depending on the item, even a small mistake can be a big problem. Especially when the calculators at work aren't that great, and the '1' key and '.' key don't always register when you press it...

Lets say, you only have 1 step to do to enter a calculation, and you get it right 1/1000 times, if you had 2 steps to do, you're effectively doubling the amount of times you have to do any working out, and effectively doubling the chance for error, and doubling the amount of time doing the calculation while the actual amount of work completed has not changed.

Of course I'm not saying that skill does not matter, someone who only makes mistakes 1/10000 times is of course going to be better than someone who will blunder every few minutes. I'm just saying, that this is bad for efficiency, and this is more than annoying when working in an understaffed company where being able to work efficiently with few mistakes are very important. Plus, I have to do a lot of follow up for any mistakes made, often even when they're not my own mistakes.

So yea GST change, I hate thee!

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Maybe I'll skip getting mee goreng for dinner at work next week. That will cancel out the GST increase on $520 worth of purchases.

Buy a fish from someone in your local fish club instead of Animates, that could make up for the GST increase on $200 worth of purchases.

Skip a trip to the pub, cancels out GST increase on $2500....

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use excel. pre gst price * 1.15 or old gst price incl. + *1.025

I most of my work is quoting prices to customers in the showroom rather than just on the computer, so it won't work for that. Your method would be fine for everything else except that a) computers at work are slow, b) we usually have several excel windows open at the same time, c) windows xp likes to nestle all your windows into one. Sigh, yea I know, they're pretty small nuisances I'm talking about now really, it's not that I won't cope wit the change, but after a 10 hour day at work and probably more long hours to come this following week. Just stop being logical and just let me hate this GST thing for a bit. :-?

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