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Planted killie tank log with pics..... Take 3!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I will also add for the record that my female scheeli is a jumper. She will jump anywhere to get away from the male if she wants to, this has once included out and onto the top glass when I was feeding. One habit she and I have gotten into is she wriggles to the surface on top of the riccia so the male can't see her from underneath and I feed her while she is almost out of the water. She will jump and wriggle to a better spot if she feels like it too. Bit risky, but she is a risky chick. In a past life she rode a harley :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems all the bigger fry have now gotten into this habit of squiggling on the top of the riccia.

It's funny to watch, a bit like a small dog trying to run through water that is deeper than it's legs :lol:

They must be rather trusting to lie there as they are under the light too and they eat their dinner up there, they don't take the food away once it's in their mouths. It seems that I am less of a worry to them than the male hehe

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Front on – spot the fry.

Riccia has been cut down by more than half to let more light through. Duckweed also gone. It's been removed for 2 weeks (? lost count) and I get a maximum of 1 or 2 reappear every 2 or 3 days.


Looking in – as you can see I somehow have 2 varieties of Ambulia. There is the feathery Joshlikesfish version that I have also bought elsewhere, and another thicker stemmed more ferny leaved one. Windelov fern and java fern that was previously hidden were found to be both resprouting fresh green so I took the opportunity to prune off the old stuff and rearrange them. There is fern at each end of the log.


Crypt garden (3 here – left sides are Cryptus Supasii – species as yet unknown, big one is Walkerii. I moved the smallest one-leafed crypt to the front (only one leaf to melt :oops: ) as it seems that in my tank the plants grow quite compactly. I thought it would be nice to have a little crypt garden here with the tiger lotus. Interesting to compare the leaves of the Walkerii now to the beginning photo, they have lengthened considerably. I am quite attached to my crypts now!


Male enjoying a new hiding spot


Front right corner which will eventually be swaying with twisted val


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Yes it is definately not Indian fern, or even Hygrophila difformis. It has similar leaves, but grows very much like Ambulia and Cabomba.

I think it's Hottonia :bounce: ...

Probably accidentaly imported as H. difformis or Indian fern (if plants are being imported).

Under good light and with plenty of nutrients it will grow like this:

http://www.aquascapingworld.com/images/ ... stris1.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whatever it is, it's good stuff.

More changes:

All the Riccia became populated with the brown mossy algae so combined with a reduced light and fert. programme to convert the tank to more low tech, I removed it so the other plants could have the light. The windelov continues to recover, much to my relief, and all the other plants are doing well. Twisted val I bought recently is a bit floppy and transparent, could be because it was in a darkish corner, so hopefully that will perk up soon.

In addition to this, over the last week the dynamics in the tank have changed. There are about 4 fry big enough to eat a small or half a bloodworm so competition has come back to dinner time. This may be the reason, or a getting older and grumpy perhaps, but the female has become as bolshy as the big female I used to have, and now chases the male away and bosses him more than before. He is now as large as the bigger male I had. He can often be found hiding it seems, in among the plants.

I can't tell if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I think that either my big male fry has *gone* or he's reduced his colouring as he's getting older. At one point it seemed that there was an obvious male fry, now I'm not so sure. Also with removing the riccia there are less fry at the top except so the chances of getting all the big ones together are reduced. I have made a small mop of christmas moss that is floating in the ex-riccia corner but it's not big enough for too many of them to hide in. Still plenty of moss attached to the driftwood however.

Photos to come.

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I found my missing fish - in the filter.

I noted him missing nearly a week ago and he wasn't in the filter on Sunday when I rinsed it out. Hard to know how he got in there as I would have thought he was far too big to get sucked into the intake but there isn't any other way he could have got in. He was in that tube in the middle front. Weird. Shame about that, he was my oldest fry :(

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Sorry to hear that Sophia. :(

I have said it time and again, those filters are a horrible design. Why make a tiny filter (presumably suitable for a tiny tank, where you can only house tiny fish) and then make the filter with holes big enough to suck up the fish??? It makes no sense at all. I have lost a couple dozen valuable fish to these filters. Now I have devised a solution that prevents the problem. I move the flow bar to mid way and wedge a small piece of coarse filter sponge into each hole. I also wedge a piece of sponge at the back where the power cord comes out. This blocks all access routes:


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photos taken this week - doesn't look much different really but I'm keeping this as a log anyway.

Tomorrow is water change day so I will see what holes in the filter I can plug.

I have to say that I'm not sure I like it so much without the floating plants. It seems bare at the top and you don't see many fry until feeding time where they float up and linger about. I might have to get some more duckweed and let them have a corner or something

Front shot


Front left from above


Front right


Through the right side


Mr Killifish


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