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15 guppies, 3 rummy nose and 2 cardinal tetra died in a week


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Any idea? I bought all of them from the animates aqua fun day ( half price!) and they pretty much all died after 3 weeks in the tank......

No problem with water condition all... Any idea why??

I am soooooooo sad...picking up fish body every day after work is depressing.....

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All I know, when I went to animates last weekend, 6 of their tanks were green with what I assume was methyl green for ICH, 2 more tanks had dead fish in them floating at the top (not one fish, but in one tank 3), and the fish nets were on the floor near the tanks. I decided against purchasing any fish at that point. Which sucked because they had some pandas I wanted, and HFF is out at this point.

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I've had the same thing happen with the tetras at animates aqua fun day that i brought last year. They only lasted a week or so. The bottom dwellers were fine though. I have a feeling the same thing happened the year before too (but can't be sure). Luckily this year they didn't have anything I wanted...

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However, it does look like it may be a positive correlation between aqua fun day and fish death......

Even higher correlation between buying fish on a weekend and related fish deaths.

what is the pH?

0.25 ammonia wont be toxic in a slightly acidic tank.

You will need to answer these questions too if we are to help you discover why the fish may have died.

how many and which fish were already in the tank?

also what filtration do you have on the tank?

and what do you mean the tank had been cycled for a month before adding the fish? do you mean there were other fish n the tank for a month or do you mean you had the tank running with only water before you added the fish?


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Were your fish very skinny when they died. I bought fish from animates and had huge loss after mollies had internal bacteria or worms. I had them in quarantine for two weeks but the third week in my main tank they died and so did others follow. They were extremely thin. I got some medicine from Hollywoods and now my tank is going great :wink: So if they are very thin just consider that as a possiblility. Otherwise listen to the other members advice, I am just a newbie in this hobby :wink:

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Maybe they need root ferts? I had some with a crud kitset light and it still grew 1-2 tiers a day. JBL plant balls work well.

I second those JBL fert balls, my swords that I have put them under are growing nicely. My marble sword has growen 3 more leaves in less than a week.

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