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Burman Cats


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My daughter has/had 2 burman (or burmiease?) cats

2 years ago, one went missing and they have had a wanted add in TM since that time.

Yesterday she got a txt from a stranger with a TM number to have a look at and she sent it to us as well (we bought both cats for her)

The cat advertised as found looks exactly the same as hers to us.

She got in touch with the people (may well have something to do with the burman club?) and they told her it was not her cat and that she was not allowed to have a look at it.

We and my daughter have plenty of photos so correct ID will not be a problem.

Thing is that they really want it back or why else would they still be advertiseing after 2 years?

Makes you wonder why they wont allow inspection.

With the people not allowing inspection this quite frankly smells

your comments would be welcome

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Burman or Burmese?

My parents had a Burmese stolen from the North Shore about 6 years ago and it is apparently not uncommon.

The thing with cats is, to the untrained eye, they can look very very similar. Are there any uniquely distinguishing features/scars? imperfections in the eyes, scruffy ears etc?

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I had racing pigeons and could reconise every single one anywhere

To a pet owner (OK Killis do all look alike as In sure Neon Tetras do)they can tell and yes it did have a few small things that made it different.

Burman Im told... cats are cats to me :oops:

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My daughter has/had 2 burman (or burmiease?) cats

2 years ago, one went missing and they have had a wanted add in TM since that time.

Yesterday she got a txt from a stranger with a TM number to have a look at and she sent it to us as well (we bought both cats for her)

The cat advertised as found looks exactly the same as hers to us.

She got in touch with the people (may well have something to do with the burman club?) and they told her it was not her cat and that she was not allowed to have a look at it.

We and my daughter have plenty of photos so correct ID will not be a problem.

Thing is that they really want it back or why else would they still be advertiseing after 2 years?

Makes you wonder why they wont allow inspection.

With the people not allowing inspection this quite frankly smells

your comments would be welcome

Unless the cat is chipped or you have something like a paw print which apparently works well as ID even if it IS the same cat you don't have a chance in hell of proving it. Unless those photos show some extremely unique trait they're totally useless. The cats are bred to ideally all look exactly the same. I have three birmans and frequently have to look close at two of them to tell them apart.

Also, if I was the person advertising the cat there is no way I'd let you look. Why would I want to risk some con artist or crazy coming and getting all hysterical insisting I stole their cat and trying to get me to give it to them for free?

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You could try going to the SPCA, sometimes they can help in cases of stolen animals. If it's purebreed, or from a breeder, the breeder would probably be able to make a proper ID on it. I guess you'd have to get the police involved or something. Good luck.

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My boss breeds Birmans (not Burmans) and they all look pretty much the same to me! Apart from the colour variations and some pattern differences.

When my daughter bought her Birmans she promptly had them microchipped.

Unless the cat had a distinuguishing mark or "fault" and you have photographic evidence of that, I can't see how you can prove the cat is yours.

I am confused though. Your daughter lost her cat and advertised it as lost on TM. Someone called her, in response to the ad, and said someone was advertising a found cat on TM that looks like your daughter's? When she contacted the people they flat out said it wasn't hers? Doesn't make sense :-?

Birmans are commonly stolen :(

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I am confused though. Your daughter lost her cat and advertised it as lost on TM. Someone called her, in response to the ad, and said someone was advertising a found cat on TM that looks like your daughter's? When she contacted the people they flat out said it wasn't hers? Doesn't make sense :-?

Birmans are commonly stolen :(

My point exactly

Yes the cat has 2 things about it that are "different"

Unfortunatly we need to see the cat to find out and one would be proven with photos and the other is an unusual trait the cat has

Why advertise the cat as found and when someone thinks they are the owner, stop them from seeing the cat?

The cat has been fixed so there is no value in terms of money

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You could try going to the SPCA, sometimes they can help in cases of stolen animals. If it's purebreed, or from a breeder, the breeder would probably be able to make a proper ID on it. I guess you'd have to get the police involved or something. Good luck.

This has merit. At the very least they can point you in the right direction and perhaps tell you where you stand in terms of NZ law (yes - I just said NZ law without falling off my chair with laughter)

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My neighbours once had 2 Birmans,

Really nice cats.

Used to let them in the house from time to time to see if they could smell any possible rats in the house.

one of the cats had a favourite spot under my Avocado tree, and when the time came it decided to die under it (had wondered why the cat hadn't moved for a few days, and it stunk when I found out :-? )

So I buried it under my Avocado tree. I'm sure it would of liked it :D , and my Avocado tree too :lol:

Sorry Barrie, the above is no help to you.

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So, one person refusing to let you see the cat for unknown reasons means the entire Birman cat club(Of which there are two) cannot be trusted?

Can you at least post a link to the found ad? Because I couldn't find any found birmans.

We have dealt with 2 different people at this stage and no, Im sure that as with all organisations, 95% are really good people but again as with most organisations, one dodgy person taints the rest.

Ira, surely you would have to agree that not allowing my daughter to see this cat is a bit "unusual" ?

They also removed the add yesterday afternoon when My daught started asking questions, shes lucky that she has the email and phone numbers or all would be lost

Again, why take the add off if they were straight up with nothing to hide?

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if you have photoes to ID them, and they cannot prove ownership eg where they bought it exc you should be ok. Maybe get a friend who "is interested in buying" to insprct them and take a pic or two?

and take it from there?

seems crafty and sligh, but IMO they are more crafty steaLING A FAMILY PET/MEMBER!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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well looking at it from their point of view they might think its someone thats lost their cat & doesnt want to pay for a new one. im not taking sides but i can see it from both angles. & yes ive lost plently of cats, 3 in 1 year in fact & they just disappeared into thin air.

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