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Rainbow Lorikeet


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Hi danilada, I have one and they are wonderful birds extremely playful and enjoyable to watch playing around on there backs etc They love foot toys and also love water so baths are a must, depending on the time you give them they are also good talkers, mine says the odd word and even afew swear words :o

But yes they are very messy and very very loud if you don't give them enough attention .. you can hear my birdie from standing right at the back on my yard :oops: and he lives inside

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LOL but not by much.

They ARE loud.

They can be handled but need consistant handling (much like shelias)

They can have a variety of diets from liquid fruits and nectar (what they are supposed to eat) thru to dry (if weaned on to it) food. They shit alot and messily. They are however small colourfull interactive birds. They can, like some birds, oppersite sex bond.

They are in my opinion a lot of work but then you get out what you put in.

Still I can pat and hand feed my bigger fish so maybe you just not got right fish. (pity I cant do the same with shelias tho, eh?)

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you can potty train them and voice train them

rusty (my red collar - rainbow hybrid) makes no noise when at home - at all.

he doesn't squirt. and he understands and obeys commands.

how much time and consistency you put in is what you get out.

if you want loud you get yourself a cockatoo.. lol

but all can be trained. had exotic birds all my life, and all were very well behaved - but i spent a lot of time training them.

if you ever come to palmy you are welcome to check rusty-ruu out , lol... :bounce:

but just remember - consistency is key - you must train them well and firmly.

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I would recomend a ring neck... so much more quiet.

Hahaha, That's like saying, "I would recommend a 5 pound sledgehammer over a 10 pound, so much less painful when you hit your foot with it..." Neither one is any good if you're wanting a quiet bird.

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i was once told if you want a bird just so u can hear it talk then save your self time and money and get a radio. lol. but it sounds like ya have ur heart set on gettn a bird. before ya get one go and visit people and see what there birds are like.

personaly i dont have any birds. but my partner has 3 lovebirds in side and a pair out side. and for christmas she got a few more cages so it looks like she will probly get some more lovebirds now that she has the space. she has a mix of handraised and avairy. and they are all really kool lil birds. dont make as much nosie as larger parrots. but still have character. our lil handraised blue masked girl is making noise like a cockatiel from when we handraised some.

just my 2cents

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have a Rainbow Lori and currently Handrearing a Galah chick(Rose breasted cockatoo)

(our house is going to be very VERY noisey soon!)

Our rainbow is great fun but please note, they are a VERY hormonal species of parrot.

They change over night to nasty little terrors and you will wonder were your sweet cuddly parrot has disapeared too when they hit sexual maturity

Honestly, I wouldnt recommend them to first time parrot owners, you need to be firm and consistant otherwise you will have real problems and another one will end up on TM looking for a new home.

But, If you think you can handle it try and find a handreared DNA'd Male, they are less agressive once they are mature and alot easier to deal with.

The mess they make is somthing else! We have shit up the walls on the windows on the carpet, on the table which is like 3mtrs away it just seems to be everywerre! He has even shat on my dad a few times when he has gone to say hello and hes up against the cage and fires one out at you.

He has alot to say all day, they are definetly not a quiet parrot.

Hes just on a year and can say so far

Hello(he repeats this like a stuck record when you are in the room)

Tookie(his name) and also says it in a grumpy yelling voice

Hello Tookie

Tookie Pookie

Tookie Poo

Pepsi(our dogs name)

Peppy Poo

He copys the beeping noises that the keys make when u use the phone

the beeping of the oven and the microwave

He growls

laughs a real belly laugh

he screems cheep cheep


and knows a ton of different whistles.

here's pics of the little toad when he was 9 weeks old




and this was a female we reared b4 we got this guy



kiss's for teddy


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LOL but not by much.

They can have a variety of diets from liquid fruits and nectar (what they are supposed to eat) thru to dry (if weaned on to it) food.

They must have WET nectar avail at all time. Our one gets fresh wet mix morning and night but has dry avail in his cage 24/7

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  • 2 weeks later...

We found just wrapping a towl around the lower half of the cage helped dramaticly.

Also, have the wet nectar low down(but not under a perch) as what they do is get it all over ther beaks and then shake and flick there heads and it flys everywere :) gets caked on the bars and on the carpet. We take the cage outside and do a weekly hose down and it gets the necter off pretty easily. :bounce:

We have just added another Galah to our family, BOY its noisey here! LOL 2 galah and a lori.

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