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oops, its mufti day at work and i forgot :(

never mind, my excuse shall be that the wild things dont come out till after dark.

Anyhow, just wondering if anyone else shall be dressing up? and as what?

I am going as the sandman/dream from the Neil Gaiman comics (beginning to wonder if anyone but the other comic book geeks will get it).


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I wish!

I was going to, but have to go to an all-weekend workshoppy thing with Forest & Bird. While I am sure it will be interesting, I am rather annoyed it is the same weekend.

I love excuses to dress up (despite evidence to the contrary at your party...)

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I tend to take any excuse to dress up

this year i have been (missing some things coz this is off the top of my head) a:


lion (i had the coolest mane made of horsehair)

Dr seuss character


and soon to be a sandman

then a ninja

and theres still so much year to go

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I love dressing up! Halloween is fun to dress up for but no one in our group of friends seems to be having a party this year.. despite it being a friends birthday today..

I haven't dressed up for anything at all this year but in previous years I've been:

Felicity Shagwell (hubby went as Austin Powers)

An angel

A nun (hubby went as a priest. Oh the sister/father jokes we wore)

and 3 times as a witch

Oh and there was also a rock themed party i just dressed up as a sort of generic goth/rock chick

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for a mates 60th, I gave hime a nurses outfit and meant for his wife to wear it but much to the shock of all there, he got changed into it.... its enough to put all there off things like that....

Mind you, it was scarey so maybe he should be wearing it tonight?

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let me see how organised i am this weekend in making digital copies, as i still use a wet-film camera (like from the dark ages).

and southerngrrl, yep it was totally hilarious! although he took them off pretty soon after as he asid they were too small in most places (TMI!). after which they ended up o the TV arial as party decoration, i think they may still be there :o

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let me see how organised i am this weekend in making digital copies, as i still use a wet-film camera (like from the dark ages).

and southerngrrl, yep it was totally hilarious! although he took them off pretty soon after as he asid they were too small in most places (TMI!). after which they ended up o the TV arial as party decoration, i think they may still be there :o


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I'm going to dress as the Stig off Top Gear. Nice and simple - white paper overall (a protective suit from a hardware store) and a white helmet with tinted visor.

Recently I went to a Seven Deadly Sins party dressed as an angel. It was great fun being in character and being shocked at everyone else's costumes. I kept saying "oh dear! I think I'm at the wrong party!"

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If I were to dress up I'd want a superman style costume with a big O on the front. Then I could go around telling people what their costumes are and they can say, "Thank you Captain Obvious!"

What if it's one of those costumes where you can't make heads or tails of what they are supposed to be dressed up as?

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Unless someone does something for next weekend, no one got their a into g for Halloween this year :cry::cry::cry: no excuse.....

To help get the halloween-pics ball rolling -







And last year:





I wanted to be a (vet) nurse this year, since i'll be qualified soon

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At the party on friday i saw:

mrs Babbit from sweeny todd

A wearwolf

a (chilly) playboy bunny

a mime (impressively diddnt talk all night)

MUSA president paul falloon

various witches

a dead cheerleader

two jokers (from Batman), although the best was the joker dressed as the nurse (quite true to the film).

Pinyata (sp) man

a mexican in a big hat

spider girl (many plastic spiders + superglue + skin)

and many many more

pictures to come (downloading is slow)

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i was going to go as a red indian, got my mohawk painted blue, yellow and 2 red stripes down the side of my head,

then i couldnt find a bow and arrow or any little kids indian set (HEY WHAT THE?!)

so i made a beak out of cardboard and went as a parrot of sorts...

only later did i realise the blue and yellow were water based and the red was acrylic... i still have red racing stripes... >.<

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I had black acrylic paint in my hair and it came out alright, mostly

it looked fantastic! with this really vivid colour, and setting paint is fun to style but it did look like i had filled the bottom of the shower with concrete mix when i tried to wash it all out (white bubbles +black paint flecks) and i am still finding bits every time i comb my hair.


i can understand the lingering red, as red is one of the most tenacious colours to get out of anything (=the best temporary hair dye as it lasts the longest).


enjoy your stripes.

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Excelelnt costumes y'all

and i just wanted to say, grrrrrr I hate trick or treaters

keep your children under control (a leash or cage seems appropriate), there were a few visiting the party I went to and they were rude, and smart arsed and stole the decorations, uninpressed :evil:

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