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Feeding Bloodworm


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:D:D:D thanks so much kiwiplymouth!!! Hopefully my fish can figure out what they are, and I can feed them these instead of frozen bloodworms :)

No Worries. To me it's all about keeping our fish happy and reducing our work load. If we can feed them food that they prefer and reduce the mess, fuss and water changes we cant lose.

If you guys like them ( and your fish like them) then I can get larger amounts into the country and keep shipping and M.A.F costs to a minimum.

Unlike some members of this site and the auction site i will not be trying to make a 300% profit. If i can cover my costs and make a modest profit to cover my time and effort then i will happy.

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Got mine a few minutes ago.

Fish seem to love them.

Unfortunately, I'd forgotten the effect bloodworms have on my and didn't wash my hands immediately after touching them, it appears freeze dried ones do the same. So, I'm sitting here with my nose running like mad, sniffling with a sore throat after just 15 minutes or so. Stupid me. :cry:

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I gave my nose a really good blow and that seems to have minimised it. Though, I'm glad I didn't rub my eye, before I figured out the cause once I rubbed my eye...Which made it itch and water. So of course I rubbed it again which makes it itch and water more which means more rubbing...

Ended up with a huge bubble on the white of my eye, but after 3-4 hours I was totally back to normal.

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Mine arrived today too, thanks!

(Apparently people with dist mite allergies have a higher incidence of bloodworm allergies. I have heard of it being so bad in some people that they get a rash if they dip their arm in a tank that was fed bloodworms a few days previously!)

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wow I'm glad I only have hayfever lol..there are less fortunate people out there than me!

Also received mine today - will try them tonight at snack time and see how they go :D

No dust OR dist mite allergies here. :lol: And no hay fever.

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i actually found my fish never went for them either, and i heard something about them possibly getting worms off them (as in fish contracting worms via the freezedried worms?) tho this could be hearsay.

an easy way to feed out normal bloodworms is put them on a paper towel. as they melt the towel soaks up the nutrient laden liquid.

and ps that was nice of you to send them all around :)

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